Global elites using the COVID-19 pandemic and recession to fundamentally reshape society, reduce economic freedom and transfer wealth from the developed to the developing world.
It’s not a conspiracy. It’s out in the open.
It’s not a plot for global dictatorship. It’s a globalist plan to convince people living in democracies in the developed world to accept a lower standard of living (what reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions actually means) to, we’re told, save the planet from catastrophic global warming.
While the UN condemns the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population for generating more than twice the emissions of the poorest 50%, its real agenda is to engineer dramatic lifestyle changes throughout society and in particular to what Trudeau calls the middle class.
As the UN puts it, “lifestyle changes are a prerequisite for sustaining reductions in GHG emissions and for bridging the emissions gap. Around two-thirds of global emissions are linked to … private household activities … Reducing emissions through lifestyle changes requires changing both broader systemic conditions and individual actions.”
Governments, the UN says, “have a major role in setting the conditions under which lifestyle changes can occur, through shaping policy, regulations and infrastructure investments … necessary to bring about wider changes in the social, cultural, political and economic systems in which people live.”
The UN is explicit:
“COVID-19 has provided insight into how rapid lifestyle changes can be brought about by governments … The lockdown period in many countries may be long enough to establish new, lasting routines if supported by longer term measures. In planning the recovery from COVID-19, governments have an opportunity to catalyse low-carbon lifestyle changes by disrupting entrenched practices.”
Governments can achieve these goals, the UN says, through taxation and other policies affecting fundamental decisions we make about our lives, from what we eat (preferably meatless, low-carbon diets), to how we travel (less by air, more by subsidized electric cars), to how we power our homes (with wind and solar energy, at least for “higher income” earners, given the costs) and much, much more.
That’s what Trudeau means by “The Great Reset.”