December 17th, 2020, 11:15 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Yeah! The Disturbed version.
Yeah, we all know the seriousness of the comorbidities and the age range that is vulnerable, it has been talked about many times. The fact that the leftards keep ignoring the really vulnerable and shutting down those at low/almost no risk so I thought I would try and create a laugh.
The science is obviously still out on the latency and effectiveness of the inoculations they are starting now and the left seems dedicated to the weaponizing anything to improve their "chance" to make changes.
I was just listening to Ezra Levant doing his gloating over breaking the story about the Chinese PLA military training in Canada and he was laughing about how even the other media have picked it up but CBC is just pretending it doesn't exist at all, just ignoring it. Proving again you can't believe anything from CBC and the Liberal's without carefully checking its validity.
So a bit of poke at science seemed like a good idea to get people off the Liberal lies, the gloomy outlook etc.
Somehow the lines "when you reach the exit door, you will find 10,000 chambers more, we don't know what this data means..." seemed appropriate too, even if a bit gloomy.
Last edited by mosquito; December 17th, 2020 at 11:22 AM.
December 17th, 2020 11:15 AM
December 17th, 2020, 11:29 AM
I am more of the belief, that everyone, is taking advantage of the turmoil and chaos. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. From the lowest peon, to the highest scientist or politician.
I seriously do not credit some pre planned world conspiracy. If for no other reason, the number of players that would all need to be on the same page and in on it..............That said, human nature being what it is, you bet your ask, people are taking advantage........Everyone.
Fear and greed.
We have "millions" of people that have been thrown overboard...for example. We are sacrificing them for the well being of everyone else. It is beyond any justifiable morality. Why then, aren't people or our governments doing more for them. $2,000/month? Give me freaking break. Like that is helping ( mountains of economic data paint the ugly truth) or comes anywhere near compensating those that lose homes/businesses/meagre savings. Let alone those that commit suicide/beat the snot out of their spouses/children now and in years to come.
So why aren't all those that are coasting through this, banking 60,70,80, 90, 150k. Working remotely, selling their "$1,000,000" homes, buying cottages and cashing in.....Not losing a single nights sleep. Stepping up? Why aren't we "jacking taxes" on them, Amazon, the banks, Walmart...And doing more, for those we are sacrificing, for everyone else's well being, if thats why you feel is needed. Put up or shut up, walk the talk and more.
Fear and Greed.
how many people, times have I read. “Great buying opportunity, there’s going to be all kinds of cars, boats, homes at a discount”....
Fear and Greed.
As for JT, the UN, the great reset.
No doubt, "kernels" of truth.
Last edited by JBen; December 17th, 2020 at 11:45 AM.
December 17th, 2020, 11:48 AM
JB, how would that be done? Taxes, those with the most money also have proven to have the most loopholes, to evade this tactic. How about maybe taking away 5-10-20,% of the pay from all those still working , to give to those not working? Would there be a minimum, on what you would have to earn, before a claw back, on money you worked for? Go after assets, you accumulated decades before? Talk about a civil rebellion waiting to happen..
Last edited by fishermccann; December 17th, 2020 at 11:59 AM.
December 17th, 2020, 11:49 AM
I forgot.
The economic data?
Why do those that are solidly on the right, whether Pierre or "you" trust that data, but not the science data.What "evidence" is there that too isn't being doctored......
Fear and Greed
Gord, why not....
Extraordinary measures and times....No?
We have to do all we can.........No?
For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. No?
And yes, that is kind of what I'm thinking. I'm sure the economist, actuaries, and more. Can think of some kind of sliding scale, threshold per household ( why give a house that has household income of say 160,000).......
Why should people who have $200,000 invested in the markets, or be long cash. Be cashing in on Bank dividends ( record profits this year), Amazon dividends and soaring stock prices?
Profitting, off others misery.
Makes me sick to say the truth
Last edited by JBen; December 17th, 2020 at 11:57 AM.
December 17th, 2020, 12:17 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
I forgot.
The economic data?
Why do those that are solidly on the right, whether Pierre or "you" trust that data, but not the science data.What "evidence" is there that too isn't being doctored......
Fear and Greed
Gord, why not....
Extraordinary measures and times....No?
We have to do all we can.........No?
For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. No?
And yes, that is kind of what I'm thinking. I'm sure the economist, actuaries, and more. Can think of some kind of sliding scale, threshold per household ( why give a house that has household income of say 160,000).......
Why should people who have $200,000 invested in the markets, or be long cash. Be cashing in on Bank dividends ( record profits this year), Amazon dividends and soaring stock prices?
Profitting, off others misery.
Makes me sick to say the truth
The people with that kind of money in the bank are most likely older and have worked for it, most likely they have that money in an RRSP that they will use for their retirement or emergencies and just how are they profiting off the misery? Anyone with any investment thinking for the future would see the bank crash... there goes some money, it will come back, the gov't starts killing stores and shutdowns ... who delivers Amazon... they are opportunities to use the correct word. The situation was created by people like the Liberal gov't that see this as a chance and opportunity to make social and political changes (see previous thread) while killing small businesses and creating debt. Investments are something for yourself and your future ... or do you just want to be like Trudeau and the WEF want... "own nothing and be happy" ... I always feel like "or else" should be on that sentence.
The continued killing of the small businesses, the increased taxes and jumps in carbon tax, the lies and coverups (SNC, WE...) can all be placed solely on the heads of the gov't as the decision makers. If a person doesn't take advantage of the situation, if they can, then they are just naive or stupid and not looking out for themselves and their families. If the big buck that the guy 2 miles over goofed up on comes and stops in front of your blind or the fish the guy missed yesterday rises do you ignore them? People have to live their lives based on their work and opportunities, people buy on sales and your statement show a detachment from reality, heck are you even making any conscious choices on your shopping?
Some businesses like Chapman's have even increased people's pay as part of this, people need to eat, have a place to live, work.. the current gov't attitude is let the elites travel and enjoy and everyone else should be locked in their houses.... a policy that only helps the elites and damages middle and lower incomes.
The socialistic ideologues want to create more poverty it seems by carbon taxes etc. ... economically stupid but good if you want to create more class/income division and hostility to make more changes.
Last edited by mosquito; December 17th, 2020 at 12:24 PM.
December 17th, 2020, 12:33 PM
Mosq. I actually agree with 90% of your post , surprise, surprise. If we use JB,s analysis of the situation, we are all selfish and should be ashamed, of putting our family first.
December 17th, 2020, 12:33 PM
Don't like when it's mirrored back?
Are you saying the small business owner that's invested tens of thousands in his business, rather than an RSP has worked any less hard? It would appear you are saying that.
And who I wonder is going to take advantage of fire sales?
Benefit from other peoples misery?
"Family first"
Just yours right G?
Not your neighbour, who goes belly up because "you" believe protecting your wife who has COPD, takes priority..........
And when asked to do your part, sacrifice a wee bit for the greater good...suddenly....well now, things are a bit different aren't they?
Fear and Greed
Last edited by JBen; December 17th, 2020 at 12:37 PM.
December 17th, 2020, 12:38 PM
Or course, for our family , protecting my wife who has COPD, takes priority over everything and everyone else.. Do you think that business owner is going to put the health of my wife, over the health of his business. Just look at the BBQ guy. You are not being rational.
Last edited by fishermccann; December 17th, 2020 at 12:48 PM.
December 17th, 2020, 12:46 PM
Just so were clear then.
your wife takes priority: Fear
You aren't willing to do your part, ( small sacrifice) to help the business owner your throwing over board: Greed
Last edited by JBen; December 17th, 2020 at 12:52 PM.
December 17th, 2020, 01:06 PM
My wife taking priority over others , is not fear, it is LOVE ......... Would I give up my wife, to save someone's business? Any business? Not on YOUR life. I would give up all of our assets to save her..... How is , not willing to give up my family's acquired assets to others in need .... greed?...... Come on man your reaching now.
Last edited by fishermccann; December 17th, 2020 at 01:11 PM.