February 20th, 2021, 10:33 AM
Many will keep them, just like many did not register.

Originally Posted by
They key word would be "private." You'd at the very least jeopardize your membership taking one to a gun club and may risk being reported to the police.
Being caught with it in the bush risks a criminal charge, fines/incarceration, loss of your license, seizure of all other firearms, job loss, restricted volunteer opportunities and being not permitted to enter other countries. Hardly seems worth the risk to pop off a few rounds with a Mini-14.
Or you could take the government's money and buy something that doesn't bring the same potential consequences.
February 20th, 2021 10:33 AM
February 20th, 2021, 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by
Many will keep them, just like many did not register.
The difference is that when the non-restricted registry was in force a casual observer could not tell whether a firearm was registered or not. With perhaps a few exceptions a formerly non-restricted, now prohibited firearm is easy to spot.
February 20th, 2021, 10:44 AM
People will still use them in private trust me.

Originally Posted by
The difference is that when the non-restricted registry was in force a casual observer could not tell whether a firearm was registered or not. With perhaps a few exceptions a formerly non-restricted, now prohibited firearm is easy to spot.
February 20th, 2021, 10:49 AM
I suspect less then 50% will be turned in
February 20th, 2021, 11:00 AM
I have no doubt there will be people using them in private. And they face all the legal ramifications that have been pointed out. Pretty risky IMO.
Last fall I was upland hunting and when I parked, there was a car in the lot next to me. It was plastered in CCFR and Molon Labe stickers. Two guys were target shooting into a small berm next to the lot. Bursts of 5s and 10s we’re ripping off over and over, along with a bunch of laughing and hooting. I’m sure they were having a great old time. Before I let my dogs loose, I popped over to give a friendly wave and tell them I would be hunting....kinda behind where they were shooting. They had a table set up with numerous handguns and a few AR variants on it. They smiled and waved back. I set out to hunt and quickly left because the shooting did not stop or slow down and I was uneasy about stray gunfire and my dogs.
Point is, this was not a CFO approved range. This was AFTER the OIC was amended. These boobs were shooting “in private” and putting up pretty much every red flag possible just asking to be stopped or called in.
The only “in private” I can think of that won’t draw attention is maybe if you own a gravel pit and happen to live on the same piece of property. Or maybe an indoor range.
February 20th, 2021, 11:10 AM
I won't say where but I know places that even ex and current military guy's and non military use.
I guess Trudeau could try and build a special jail for everyone. I expect very little compliance.
I expect a lot of restricted will be called in as Lost if Cities are allowed to ban them

Originally Posted by
I have no doubt there will be people using them in private. And they face all the legal ramifications that have been pointed out. Pretty risky IMO.
Last fall I was upland hunting and when I parked, there was a car in the lot next to me. It was plastered in CCFR and Molon Labe stickers. Two guys were target shooting into a small berm next to the lot. Bursts of 5s and 10s we’re ripping off over and over, along with a bunch of laughing and hooting. I’m sure they were having a great old time. Before I let my dogs loose, I popped over to give a friendly wave and tell them I would be hunting....kinda behind where they were shooting. They had a table set up with numerous handguns and a few AR variants on it. They smiled and waved back. I set out to hunt and quickly left because the shooting did not stop or slow down and I was uneasy about stray gunfire and my dogs.
Point is, this was not a CFO approved range. This was AFTER the OIC was amended. These boobs were shooting “in private” and putting up pretty much every red flag possible just asking to be stopped or called in.
The only “in private” I can think of that won’t draw attention is maybe if you own a gravel pit and happen to live on the same piece of property. Or maybe an indoor range.
February 20th, 2021, 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by
People will still use them in private trust me.
Have you figured out where private would be for most folk's?
Crown land is out for distance for many people and I would not term it private.
Your legal gun ranges are out.
Private land might be OK if your neighbor's are cool, but if they are not , nothing like "firearm's related call's get Police more interested" .
February 20th, 2021, 01:28 PM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
Have you figured out where private would be for most folk's?
Crown land is out for distance for many people and I would not term it private.
Your legal gun ranges are out.
Private land might be OK if your neighbor's are cool, but if they are not , nothing like "firearm's related call's get Police more interested" .
Interested in what? Sounds like you advocate police to automatically assume without evidence.
So what if they come to a person's private property, they have no right to trespass or enter a dwelling.
They will be sent on their way just as fast as they arrive. Nothing wrong with shooting firearms if neighbour likes it or not.
February 20th, 2021, 01:36 PM
Gilroy you of all people should be able to answer that question for yourself.

Originally Posted by
Have you figured out where private would be for most folk's?
Crown land is out for distance for many people and I would not term it private.
Your legal gun ranges are out.
Private land might be OK if your neighbor's are cool, but if they are not , nothing like "firearm's related call's get Police more interested" .
February 20th, 2021, 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by
Interested in what? Sounds like you advocate police to automatically assume without evidence.
So what if they come to a person's private property, they have no right to trespass or enter a dwelling.
They will be sent on their way just as fast as they arrive. Nothing wrong with shooting firearms if neighbour likes it or not.
All your wishful thinking means nothing, if a call is generated, the police will be dispatched and will arrive like it or not. If your place is gated they will enter on foot, a Court will probably find it was "reasonable in the circumstances" for police to attend and investigate.