June 4th, 2021, 09:34 AM
Has too much time on their hands
just a reminder today is the anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre - 10,000 killed
just a reminder today is the anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre... I wonder if Justlied will say anything, I know the Conservatives have remembered.
"Students linked arms but were mown down including soldiers. APCs then ran over bodies time and time again to make 'pie' and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains.
"Four wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted."
I have a friend that was there, I asked him about it once, never will again, Mr always in a good mood turned into Mr PTSD mumbler and the few words I clearly made out were tank, blood and more I couldn't make out and it took him probably an hour of other topics to see improvement. I was in China a couple times and saw the tv in the hotel go black when topics came on CNN that the govt didn't like and when a protest was rumoured in a shopping area I was at seeing bus loads of 5 man teams and video crews arrive. The teams consisted of 2 with SMG and 3 with studded clubs/baseball bats. China's government is our enemy and only ideologues can't see that!
Then there is our imbecile PM that admires them and even has the PLA (same PLA that ran over students) train in Canada.
alienating allies
June 4th, 2021 09:34 AM
June 5th, 2021, 07:29 AM
Fat chance of the liberals or any msm outlets touching this one. They don't wanna bite the hand that feeds them.
Meanwhile, it's just endless "white people bad!" propaganda and self-flagellation
Good times.
The best part about being a "conspiracy theorist" is not having myocarditis.
Roses are red, violets are blue, taxation is theft, inflation is too.
June 5th, 2021, 08:12 AM
Yea you won't see 'Little Potato' getting behind his podium and chastising China on the anniversary of this blight on humanity.
Last edited by MikePal; June 5th, 2021 at 08:15 AM.
June 5th, 2021, 11:09 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Interesting.... we know of course any mention of it would be censored in China... but in American search engines too?? I didn't try it but it would have been interesting to see the results myself, DuckDuckGo, Bing (Microsoft, the one it disappeared on) and Swiss Cow look OK today.
Microsoft says error caused 'Tank Man' Bing censorship
Microsoft blamed an "accidental human error" for its Bing search engine not showing image results for the query "Tank Man".
The phrase relates to the iconic image of a lone protester standing before tanks in China's Tiananmen Square during demonstrations in 1989.
On Friday users who searched for the term reported receiving the message: "There are no results for tank man".
It prompted accusations of possible censorship on the protest anniversary.
"Tank Man" is often used to describe a man, who had never been identified, pictured standing before tanks in Tiananmen Square in June 1989. It became the defining image of the crackdown in which hundreds, possibly thousands, were killed.
But when users in countries including the UK, US and Singapore tried to find the image on Friday, the 32nd anniversary of the protests, it appeared to have vanished.
Last edited by mosquito; June 5th, 2021 at 11:12 AM.
June 5th, 2021, 12:38 PM
Yep.....utter silence on this one. I am so glad that democracy is celebrated in Canada!!
June 5th, 2021, 03:23 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
Yep.....utter silence on this one. I am so glad that democracy is celebrated in Canada!!
Not a peep of course...
While O'toole remembered.
Pathetic to see the Lib/left ****** CENSORED**** of ********MORE CENSORED ********** cult, human trash ***MORE CENSORED*** * immoral******AGAIN CENSORED ********* comments on the fact he remembered.... He also had lots on the Liberal/NDP/Bloc/Green censorship power grab C-10 and the 68,000 job loses too.
June 5th, 2021, 04:53 PM
Nice to see O’toole. Make a statement.
June 5th, 2021, 05:41 PM
I would like to see our Liberal friends on here condemn Trudeau for this. If they don't they are obviously for it.
June 5th, 2021, 07:08 PM
I’m not going to condemn him for not taking any opportunity for a cheesy photo op, and saying anything that sounds virtuous.
Be it “ we will take concrete action for 215 school kids found in a mass grave”, while thousands more still wait for clean water.
Or flying to Humboldt, to get his mug in the press, and say what they don’t mean. Can’t say I really believe a word O’Toole has on it either. Just a photo op/moment to score some points.
The apparent censorship is interesting. As is the apparent reluctance for a cheesy photo op, virtuous soundbyte.
Given “everything” that’s going on these days.
June 6th, 2021, 09:34 AM
OOPS!!! Lotsa coverage on Bing now, only took the first 4 letters of tian to bring up nothing but photos and info on tank man. Looks like the "error" might have moved the search up to #1 status.