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Thread: OOD community forum killers

  1. #31

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    Quote Originally Posted by werner.reiche View Post
    Seems to be mostly a politics and bickering forum. A lot of what gets posted here would be ridiculed off "real" hunting forums.
    Bingo. I'm always hoping to log-on and find detailed hunting stories that I might learn something from, but there's only a hand full of members that do that. Click the 'new post' button and it's 90% off topic & politics section traffic. But, I suppose that's a representation of the demographic that's left on here
    A trophy is in the eye of the bow holder

  2. # ADS

  3. #32
    Just starting out

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    Very sad. Why did I click on?

  4. #33
    Borderline Spammer

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    I know it's summer and alot have plans and are outdoors and all but since the mass migration of good forum members this board has almost gone silent. It's too bad that things have gone the way they have. Hopefully things turn around soon. Cheers all.

  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigboy 304 View Post
    I know it's summer and alot have plans and are outdoors and all but since the mass migration of good forum members this board has almost gone silent. It's too bad that things have gone the way they have. Hopefully things turn around soon. Cheers all.
    I won't exclude myself in the finger pointing, since I got into the odd kerfuffle over the years. Some members did take it to the extreme however and if I had to guess, it mostly involved politics. IMO that thread/subject should be removed entirely from the forum. I have friends and relatives that I avoid talking politics with, as it can and does raise the hackles of many. Throw together a bunch of strangers on a forum and it doesn't take long for the gloves to come off and mayhem erupts.
    I too have noticed the exodus of many long standing members. Some will be gone for good and others might be back as time moves on? I'm hoping the void will be filled with some interesting stories, tales and suggestions from like minded folks.

  6. #35
    Leads by example

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    Am I the only one that has noticed that for the last 4-5 years it’s been the same group of people posting in all the sections. Where are the other members chipping in? Things are bound to get stale when it’s the same old stories.

  7. #36
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by Birdbuff View Post
    Am I the only one that has noticed that for the last 4-5 years it’s been the same group of people posting in all the sections. Where are the other members chipping in? Things are bound to get stale when it’s the same old stories.

    Not everyone is inclined to post left right and centre.Some do it once in a while only.
    That is one of the reasons the forum should "work"with the members.Retention comes to my mind.

    We have lost a LOT of high performers!A lot!

    I would also say-the "medium "performers also clawed back their involvement greatly, I would say.
    What is behind that?
    Loss of interest, loss of trust ,disagreement with the current state of affairs, lost long time companions, just because ...?
    Thus-the Forum suffers greatly.....i hope the mass exodus, triggered by unhappiness and difference of opinions how things should be approached on the very Forum will not cause demise of the Forum itself.

    Time will tell.
    So far -there is 1000 guests,15-20 members only on average day(and this includes the Higher Ups also-not that they should not be on,just their presence inflates the real number of member activity)

    So far i have yet to see the once "presented theory-"out with the old,in with the new - to be working.

    No offence to the new me members though.....
    Last edited by gbk; June 28th, 2022 at 12:41 PM.

  8. #37
    Borderline Spammer

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    Well with 17,509 members and counting one would think the board would see more traffic but unfortunately that's not the case. Like already mentioned it's only a few regulars that post and alot of them have moved on to greener pastures I guess. As far as the political section goes I would vote to keep it and if someone doesn't want to participate That’s fine it's as easy as not clicking on it. Cheers.

  9. #38
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmoose View Post
    I won't exclude myself in the finger pointing, since I got into the odd kerfuffle over the years. Some members did take it to the extreme however and if I had to guess, it mostly involved politics. IMO that thread/subject should be removed entirely from the forum. I have friends and relatives that I avoid talking politics with, as it can and does raise the hackles of many. Throw together a bunch of strangers on a forum and it doesn't take long for the gloves to come off and mayhem erupts.
    I too have noticed the exodus of many long standing members. Some will be gone for good and others might be back as time moves on? I'm hoping the void will be filled with some interesting stories, tales and suggestions from like minded folks.
    That's a pretty good insight. All but 1 member left or were disinvited due to their conduct in the Off topic section be it politics or covid. Seemed fanaticism to be "right" no matter which side of the coin you were on lead to quite disruptive behaviour. Hopefully the site will move on. The bitterness and complaining subsided in favour of a more you do you and I do me philosophy in which the need to be right at all cost isn't the focus.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  10. #39
    Needs a new keyboard

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    There are two ways we can improve the forum. Avoid controversial topics. Post topics of general interest that are non-political related to hunting, shooting and fishing.

  11. #40
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    Some hunting, shooting and fishing articles will still be politically related and many on here would consider them important, such as the thread I just posted about the NS shooting. But I felt it was important people be informed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Badenoch View Post
    There are two ways we can improve the forum. Avoid controversial topics. Post topics of general interest that are non-political related to hunting, shooting and fishing.

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