September 14th, 2021, 04:21 AM
1 year ago today
People should look at the numbers from their fave sites/broadcasters.
Last year at this time no one was vaccinated and see the number/percentages of "infected" reported by the media. Fast forward to today with over 75% vaxxed and look at the numbers reported by MSM. See any difference? Just more people with a government mandated cocktail in their system, still having "infected" numbers rising in a similiar manner as last year at this time.
I will not screenshot or cherry-pick any certain groups stats to sway you 1 way or the other, you can do that yourself without being biased by me and make your own informed decisions.
People can be lemmings or leaders, stay informed or look deeply into the television and follow your orders.
I gotta stay in bed longer lol.
September 14th, 2021 04:21 AM
September 14th, 2021, 06:15 AM
Yup...they're still embellishing the data to instill fear. The dreaded 4th wave Tsunami is here in Ottawa and we're in full mask and monitoring mode. Passports and ID are required to watch a movie
Even though with a population of 1million, there are only 7 patients in our hospitals and only 1 in the ICU.
Have to say, the social engineering efforts of the sitting government have paid off. We've become a divided society. On the left, we have sanctimonious 'haves' insisting those that have chosen not to be vaccinated be ostracized and treated as pariah.
And on the right we have the people who are fighting mandatory vaccinations and the infringements against their human rights.
Been a good year to see how easily a people can be manipulated, been a lousy year for a free and democratic society.
September 14th, 2021, 06:20 AM
Heard some study saying your 27 x more likely to get covid after the vaccine.
It would explain why the cases went up 10 fold after the shot. It could be the reason why Israel the best vaccinated place is covid capital of the world
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September 14th, 2021, 06:26 AM
One year ago with no vaccines.
Now Long term Care homes are already taking the 3 rd dose ..
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September 14th, 2021, 08:01 AM
What matters is the metrics you consider. Cases or deaths. The vaccines reduce the illness and chance of death should you become infected with the virus.
As this chart shows in the first wave cases were lower than deaths, in the second wave cases and deaths tracked evenly however once vaccinations started the increase in cases was not matched by a commensurate increase in deaths when compared to the previous wave.
September 14th, 2021, 09:05 AM
We’re we not in a “Lock Down” a year ago?!? May have had something to do with cases…[emoji2373]
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September 14th, 2021, 10:01 AM
Take the vaccine and we can get back to normal they said.
It doesn’t stop the spread.
Maybe most of the lies will stop once turd is tossed.
September 14th, 2021, 10:42 AM
I wouldn't put too much faith in those numbers being any where close to accurate with the manipulation we've been put through in the last year and half.
September 14th, 2021, 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by
We’re we not in a “Lock Down” a year ago?!? May have had something to do with cases…[emoji2373]
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September 14th, 2021, 10:55 AM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
People should look at the numbers from their fave sites/broadcasters.
Last year at this time no one was vaccinated and see the number/percentages of "infected" reported by the media. Fast forward to today with over 75% vaxxed and look at the numbers reported by MSM. See any difference? Just more people with a government mandated cocktail in their system, still having "infected" numbers rising in a similiar manner as last year at this time.
I will not screenshot or cherry-pick any certain groups stats to sway you 1 way or the other, you can do that yourself without being biased by me and make your own informed decisions.
People can be lemmings or leaders, stay informed or look deeply into the television and follow your orders.
I gotta stay in bed longer lol.
People can't remember last year for some reason, they're only concerned with what they might be allowed to do next, whether it will be safe to do so and whether or not the unvaccinated will be there too.
Then you have those who are basically narrative-parrots like this post below.

Originally Posted by
What matters is the metrics you consider. Cases or deaths. The vaccines reduce the illness and chance of death should you become infected with the virus.
As this chart shows in the first wave cases were lower than deaths, in the second wave cases and deaths tracked evenly however once vaccinations started the increase in cases was not matched by a commensurate increase in deaths when compared to the previous wave.
This is actually a good description of how a virus evolves into a less deadly/more infectious strain on its own, the vaccines are moot. We are still hearing this "pandemic of the unvaccinated" nonsense, yet the unvaccinated aren't dying in any greater numbers than in pre-covid cold and flu days.
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"where a man feels at home, outside of where he's born, is where he's meant to go"
- Ernest Hemingway