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Thread: Trudeau says he remains open to electoral reform

  1. #1
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    Default Trudeau says he remains open to electoral reform

    Have to admit..the Village idiot sure has chutzpah

    Trudeau says he remains open to electoral reform if Liberals re-elected

    Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says he remains open to getting rid of Canada's first-past-the-post electoral system if his party is re-elected, provided there's more consensus on the issue -- something he says was lacking in the past.

    Trudeau says, however, that he would not favour proportional representation as an alternative, because it "gives more weight to smaller parties that are perhaps fringe parties."

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Has all the answers

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    Lol. Can’t make everyone’s vote count the same.

    What a fool.

  4. #3
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    The village idiot can say what he wants. He won't be around long enough if he loses and if he wins,it's what he said before and did nothing except lip service. The guy's full of shyte.
    Society needs to stop bending to the will of the delusional.

  5. #4
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    Yea if he eeks of a minority, Christina Freeland should be stepping up and calling for a leadership review.

    If he can't win a decisive victory and has to rely on the NDP/Bloc for survival, it's not a bright future for the party.

  6. #5
    Has too much time on their hands

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    He is open to what ever anyone suggests that might get votes, like the 2015 promises on budgets, say anything do whatever.

    at this point ever single Canadian that cares about Canada needs to vote him out!

  7. #6
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    He's probably gonna get back in.. yikes

  8. #7
    Has too much time on their hands

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    What most people who support the PPC and even the Libs and NDP fail to think about with the proportional voting is:
    1) majority govts will be a thing of the past except maybe rare cases, a party would have to get 51% of the votes and across Canada with BLOC etc we would likely never see it.
    2) local representations will be mostly gone. I mean think about it if in every riding the Conservatives got a majority of the votes which representatives will get the boot to allow the PPC to take up 5% of the seats, the NDP the 11% of those seats etc. May as well have one person per party that has 51 votes, one PPC that has 5% of the votes etc. like a stock holders vote since atleast some of the representatives will get unelected to fit.
    3) changing it back to allow for local representation won't be allowed most likely due to power spliting
    4) if they go with the 1st choice, 2nd choice there will always be LIb/NPD/Block party in power, but never a majority ** How they will change it is still TBD based on the varying versions I have seen. So endless left power struggles but never a Conservative one (Trudeau would likely like that)
    Last edited by mosquito; September 19th, 2021 at 10:04 AM.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    4) if they go with the 1st choice, 2nd choice there will always be LIb/NPD/Block party in power, but never a majority ** How they will change it is still TBD based on the varying versions I have seen. So endless left power struggles but never a Conservative one (Trudeau would likely like that)
    I think historically that the Liberals have formed the sitting Government 60% of the time. So it's not unfathomable, that with the right 'climate' that Conservatives can gain and hold enough seats.

    I've always liked a minority Goverments, requires more thought and co-operation.

    Unfortuanlyt like you pointed out, that deck is still stacked towards 'left' wing. The NDP have proven that this election.

    I'd wouldn't be at all surprised they don't end up being the Official opposition in a Conservative minority.

  10. #9

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    Right, JT said he was up for election reform the first time he got a majority government it was amazing how getting a majority government , lead him to change his mine and how he wormed out of pursuing the idea. I have to wonder what now has changed his mind, the Liberals have gotten some bad news on their internal election polling.

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  11. #10
    Needs a new keyboard

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    It's hysterical watching the left back pedal from proportional representation once they realized that had a PR system similar to that in most EU countries been in place for this election based on current polling the PPC would have seats in Parliament and the Greens probably wouldn't.

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