October 18th, 2021, 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by
Well something happened .
You here about the super colds this year since nobody got sick last year it's making them worse lol.
I call bs because colds were still going around last season especially when school started. I have seen more people sick cold after cold since this shot . Some are on their 3rd round in 6 weeks.
Also heard the news say a while ago SickKids was full of people from the cold.
I was sick last year with a cold too . If you check out the regular influenza most people only get it every other year the average is once every two years. So for the flu to magically appear again and wreck havoc something isn't right.
Been around sick people for weeks now so far the unvaccinated is being less impacted. However talked to a few people today who are unvaccinated one does not know and is just getting over a cold. But the other has seen people get cold after cold time off work weird infections . All during the summer.
Why are hospital's so full ? Missed treatment and lack of care from last year ? Maybe the immune system weakens after the shot .?
Rsv hits every year just because it missed a cycle doesn't make it more deadly. It will however put more into the hospital but it's not any deadlier . Now people are saying because we missed a season and everyone has no anti body's I call bs on that. Have a weakened immune system and it could be more deadlier on the old population but not for children.
Why are they saying 60 thousand could die from influenza virus in the UK? Your natural immune system will will remember if it's healthy.
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Bottom line is: any excuse to prolong the state of emergency will be used.
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October 18th, 2021 01:37 PM
October 18th, 2021, 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by
Bottom line is: any excuse to prolong the state of emergency will be used.
Absolutely..Politicians of all walks have enjoyed unfettered power for far too long. It's like an aphrodisiac not easy to give up.
The pandemic should have be downgrade to endemic, emergency measured withdrawn and herd immunity declared at 80%.
The data from Hospitalizations are proof enough that this virus is now manageable here in Ontario. Time to get back to work.
October 19th, 2021, 06:10 PM
We must be doing something right here in Ontario. Maybe the vaccinations and the limited capacity programs are working. Our numbers have been very stable and even slightly going down. I think if we open everything up too soon we might end up like Alberta. I don’t think it would hurt to keep things the way they are now for one more flu/winter season.
October 19th, 2021, 10:35 PM
Time for boosters in the highly vaccinated new Brunswick.
Apparently it's not about the unvaccinated lately . Read today that last week they had 89 case one day while less than 30 were the unvaccinated.
Even in the hospital stats are rising up with the vaccinated. Over 20 percent of the total deaths came last week. In the last 7 days add up the deaths in the last 30 days then compare the rest over 500 days . 19 of the 94 deaths since the beginning have been last week.
Reality is going to bite sooner than later.
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Last edited by fishfood; October 19th, 2021 at 10:55 PM.
October 19th, 2021, 10:52 PM
New Brunswick
Messed up the last post correct information now lol
October 23rd, 2021, 01:06 PM
Just an update of the 106 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic
46 have been in the last 22 days if they keep this trend they will see 50%of their death's in the month of October. They sat at 60 deaths on Oct 1st 2021 now they are at 106.
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March 26th, 2022, 11:58 PM
Bump this up to the top as the deaths triple since the majority of the population for the shots.
Funny i always went to the new brunswick source as they had the information and gave out the deaths with their daily reports. It's all gone I just tried looking for references but what was easy to find is impossible now lol..
Deaths tripled this winter.
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June 10th, 2022, 06:39 AM
And the deaths keep on coming.
It wouldn't be from the shots would it ?
Highly vaccinated new brunswick seeing more deaths than normal.
If it was from the virus or covid related then why isn't rhe rest of the provinces seeing records level deaths.
Maybe we are I am in the event business and have done more celebrations of life than I ever had done.
Daily mail did a report and said more younger people are dying at alarming rates. Under 40 just like the side effects hitting the that same age group with more than expected side effects.
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June 10th, 2022, 07:46 PM
It doesn't say it was vaccinated people and I thought you said cbc was all fake
June 11th, 2022, 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by
It doesn't say it was vaccinated people and I thought you said cbc was all fake
I had a question mark about the shot ,I never said it was vaccinated people or I would of put in the side effects thread. Cbc does give alot misinformation from the government lol false stats and ect. Never said they were fake but like all you need to look at the source of information posted by media in this case it's provided by stats Canada.
It's just another coincidence that highly vaccinated new brunswick is seeing death rates skyrocketing after an experimental treatment. Still gotta wait and see as it takes years to know how safe it is.
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