November 28th, 2021, 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by
Cops, active or retired, don't get to decide which laws are constitutional. That is the role of the courts. Until which time current laws are ruled contrary to the constitution then their oath requires the enforce them.
Any cop who disagrees can hand in his papers.
Seems like the police in Austria has switched stances https://youtu.be/0aZb_BtnP1Y
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November 28th, 2021 11:41 AM
November 28th, 2021, 05:58 PM

Originally Posted by
Wrong!....and thanks for showing the group which side of the fence you are on.
Yes, I'm on the side opposed to a police state which is what you get when police pick and chose the laws they enforce. If they or anyone else has issue with the laws as passed by duly-elected democratic governments they can pursue remedy in the courts. Otherwise the laws remain in place and the police swore an oath to uphold them.
November 28th, 2021, 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by
Yes, I'm on the side opposed to a police state which is what you get when police pick and chose the laws they enforce. If they or anyone else has issue with the laws as passed by duly-elected democratic governments they can pursue remedy in the courts. Otherwise the laws remain in place and the police swore an oath to uphold them.
That's right. The law abiding police serve and protect We The People.
The ones' you favor are called goon squads.
The crime ? Not wearing a mask.
November 29th, 2021, 07:34 AM
The police I endorse most are the ones who ensure children and their parents are not impeded or harassed by anti-vaxx creeps when they go to health clinics.