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Thread: Hunt camp musings

  1. #1
    Borderline Spammer

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    Default Hunt camp musings

    Been able to squeeze overnighters in the last few weeks for some much needed decompression time. Got a new shooting range lane cleared out to almost 100 yards, putting cams out, shed hunting, and puttering around the firewood pile. Finding turkey tracks in mud but no gobbling last night or this morning.
    Drinking coffee this morning, watched a rabbit and a black squirrel eating hen scratch that I throw around the cabin on a regular basis just to stay entertained with the birds and other wildlife. A pair of mallards were playing in the pond that is still 3/4 ice.
    Used to see only snowshoe hare and red squirrels exclusively around the cabin, just no cottontails or black squirrels. Now it is the complete opposite, very few reds and have not seen a snowshoe in a few years.
    Not complaining about the reds being AWOL lol, but the flora has not really changed in the last 20 years so I wonder if the warmer winters are a reason for the change?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    Sounds good - here where I live the place is teaming with wild life - there is a very high mountain covered with trees to the north of me and around me are fields that are planted mostly with corn, soybean - the mountain makes for a good place to hide and the fields provide food for all kinds of animals - where is an abundance of just about any animal and bird you can think of - including bear and bobcats - the only drawback is the need to cover everything otherwise it gets eaten up - about 7 years ago on a February day I counted approximately 70 turkeys in my yard - the whole yard was black with them - we have an over abundance of deer right now - but it is nice to see the wildlife that's for sure

  4. #3
    Borderline Spammer

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    What area are you in John?
    Not much better than coffee at the camp

  5. #4
    Borderline Spammer

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    68b, north of Camden East. Fairly flat country with a lot of cedar and soft maple swamps.

  6. #5
    Needs a new keyboard

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    It’s amazing what a hunt camp does for the soul. Once the snow disappears, I’ll be heading out myself to hang some cameras and check out some areas.
    A true sportsman counts his achievements in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. - S. Pope

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