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Thread: Why the major difference in Canadian VS Ontario election

  1. #1
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Default Why the major difference in Canadian VS Ontario election

    If we look at the election results-Map available on the WEB,it is clear,that Toronto voted from majorly Left oriented(Canadian election)-to majorly Right orientation(Ontario election) .

    This same/similar result was in 2018 Ontario election-yet while that was somewhat understandable in 2018(at the time current Cabinet in Ontario was doing everything but listening to Ontarians,as far as voters go....)
    Why supporting the Right for Ontario-yet supporting the Left when comes for Canada.

    Why this controversy?
    Toronto being singled out as one of the most important factors in Canadian elections-If PC ever wants to win Canadian election-maybe they should pay attention?
    Last edited by gbk; June 3rd, 2022 at 11:51 AM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    This just was discussed at work this am.

    Typically, at the provincial level we see more programs, and economic development.

    Much more of our day-to-day life is relevant in Provincial Politics, ergo, many tend to vote Conservative, ( Most of us are still bitter that the McGuinty / Wynne Liberals left us with the largest sub-sovereign debt in the world).

    Federally, we tend to view it as a more long term, or less of a direct impact ( yes, well aware of the Firearms Act). Things like foreign policy, etc tend to be viewed in more of an abstract.

    The Majority win in ONT could also have much to do with the current political climate, and the fact that DelDuca, and Horvath really didn't put forward a viable option to go with.

    I'm sure for a lot of Liberal / Left supporters it was yet another "hold your nose" kind of vote.
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    Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH

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