July 28th, 2022, 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by
I have tried to post some interesting things and questions in the hunting, fishing and off topic but none seem to get much traffic.
We lost a lot of good people that were very knowledgeable. One that were both on the Left and Right I won't name them but many know who they are.
greatwhite-it is clear ,that You have tried.Hard.
Thank you for that.
Some members are-were,more prone to be major contributors.They had more time at hand,interest to participate,this Forum was their "hobby",they strived on a good discussion.They would start threads,post and reply,build relations,they were just-Forum NERDS.
The rest of us-more or less,participate to our "liking",interest and time at hand.
Forum members are human beings without obligations, and they can not be made to be more willing to cooperate with rules, or keep all of their thoughts along the line.
Or they-us,we can not be enticed to start threads,or post ,or reply,just because there is a lack of those.
We do though-when time/interest sparks a start of a thread,or a reply-at least ,so it looks for most of us .
Forum is ,as many things in life - a two way street. People like to have their destination,goals and space on that street,and will veer different ways if they do not see that .
Sad- if no uplift by the end of the hunting season, the OP was right.
Last edited by gbk; July 28th, 2022 at 11:04 PM.
July 28th, 2022 10:58 PM
July 28th, 2022, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by
Tigboy 304
Well said sir, we did lose that much needed balance. In the name of what I what I won't comment on but as we can all see has left us with a quiet board.
Thank You Tigboy 304.........somehow,an old adage comes to mind :those who dare to speak up,care the most.
July 29th, 2022, 06:44 AM
I'm looking at Page 3 of "This Forum is dead" and it don't look so dead to me.
Good Luck & Good Hunting !
July 29th, 2022, 09:01 AM
July 29th, 2022, 10:54 AM
So what happened in off topic educate us that oped out of that mess
July 30th, 2022, 09:24 AM
Every year the forum goes into a semi-hibernation as members go about their "summer" lives, getting stuff done that they have no time for in the fall. Many who hunt will now be out on the water, fishing and looking at new waterfowl opportunities. As September rolls around, the bugs slow down, the blinds get brushed in and the fever takes hold again. I would guess that the vast majority of regular posters do come here daily to read any new posts, but they just do not have anything hunting-related to post so they don't.
Give it a month and the post counts will ratchet back up.
July 30th, 2022, 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by
I would guess that the vast majority of regular posters do come here daily to read any new posts, but they just do not have anything hunting-related to post so they don't.
Give it a month and the post counts will ratchet back up.
This site is so much more than just hunting. Or at least it could be? Fishing, camping, trapping, boating, etc..... I believe lots of possible members may have been too intimidated to come on here and post. I'm hoping once things settle down from the battles that went on, more people will ease their way in and partake.
August 4th, 2022, 07:26 AM
935 active users online, and 15 active threads being posted in.
Hardly dead.
"Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.
Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH
August 5th, 2022, 07:54 AM
I'm still here, I'm not dead unless the wife tells me I can be!!!
March 2nd, 2023, 01:23 PM
As someone who signed on a couple of months ago, I think this board is not dead, but rather, very sick. It doesn’t appeal to me on a number of levels and I am sure I am not alone.
The first is its appearance. The look of the board itself is very clinical - sterile if you will. Blue and white and blocky, like I am standing in a hospital corridor. It is certainly not outdoorsy or appealing to the eye.
There are too many forums. Some need to be eliminated or combined with others as stickys. Covid and a few others in that area should be put in a general area as sticky posts. It would increase traffic to the Off Topic area for example.
Theoretically, Ontario should have a vibrant board, but having so many sections only serves to confuse.
The admins need to go section by section, count to threads, and combine, rearrange or completely eliminate the deadwood.
Traffic flows have to be redirected.
Because sometimes, having too many places to go isn’t worth the bother of exploring.