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Thread: This forum is dead

  1. #51
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    I am glad your staying now we can start arguing again . LOL
    Gotta give you credit Gilly. Your opinions are always wrong, but you stay in the fight.

  2. # ADS

  3. #52
    Getting the hang of it

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    I have followed a number of forums ( photography, cars, motorcycles, aviation and more) over the past number of years and have noted that participation has gone way down due to reasons that have been listed. I am grateful that this forum is still ALIVE and mostly well. As for the Mods - keep up the good work and let's keep it going. P.S. A forum does not have to be pretty to be a good forum.

  4. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    I am glad your staying now we can start arguing again . LOL

    Sent from my SM-G975W using Tapatalk

  5. #54
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    As someone who signed on a couple of months ago, I think this board is not dead, but rather, very sick. It doesn’t appeal to me on a number of levels and I am sure I am not alone.

    The first is its appearance. The look of the board itself is very clinical - sterile if you will. Blue and white and blocky, like I am standing in a hospital corridor. It is certainly not outdoorsy or appealing to the eye.

    There are too many forums. Some need to be eliminated or combined with others as stickys. Covid and a few others in that area should be put in a general area as sticky posts. It would increase traffic to the Off Topic area for example.

    Theoretically, Ontario should have a vibrant board, but having so many sections only serves to confuse.

    The admins need to go section by section, count to threads, and combine, rearrange or completely eliminate the deadwood.

    Traffic flows have to be redirected.

    Because sometimes, having too many places to go isn’t worth the bother of exploring.
    Welcome to the forum.
    You make some valid points imo.
    Nothing wrong analyzing status quo and making positive changes.
    "Only dead fish go with the flow."
    Proud Member: CCFR, CSSA, OFAH, NFA.

  6. #55
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deer Hunter View Post
    Welcome to the forum.
    You make some valid points imo.
    Nothing wrong analyzing status quo and making positive changes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deer Hunter View Post
    Welcome to the forum.
    You make some valid points imo.
    Nothing wrong analyzing status quo and making positive changes.
    So lets look at the suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    The first is its appearance. The look of the board itself is very clinical - sterile if you will. Blue and white and blocky, like I am standing in a hospital corridor. It is certainly not outdoorsy or appealing to the eye.
    Guess the adage don't judge a book by its cover comes to mind. I personally spend very little time looking at the cover page. Hit the new post button and catch up on the latest post. After which move to forum of interest for topic specific conversation. Investing in curb appeal won't make lurkers participate more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    There are too many forums. .
    Some asked for more forums such as a Outdoors foraging forum. One would have to ask what outdoor forum would you eliminate? Everyone in the outdoors have different levels of participation at different times of the year. Having all the current forums serve most of the hunting and fishing community.
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    Some need to be eliminated or combined with others as stickys. Covid and a few others in that area should be put in a general area as sticky posts.
    Making something a sticky post would eliminate possibility of discussing the nuances of that forum and would turn it into an unfocused free for all. As a forum members can post threads for specific discussion and enable better and coherent communication.
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    It would increase traffic to the Off Topic area for example.
    As a recent member you may not be aware the problem the off topic area has been. After much strife its finally gotten to the point where discussions are more civil. Quite honestly its a section of the forum that had been looked at eliminating however its value as a catch all for things that might pollute the other forums keeps it around.
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    Because sometimes, having too many places to go isn’t worth the bother of exploring.
    Never met an outdoors person say they can't be bother to explore their surroundings. The buffet of forums should keep any and all outdoors people engaged and entertained throughout the different seasons and year.

    So having your suggestion assessed what about addressing other's suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Badenoch View Post
    why not make a contribution? What do you hunt? How do you hunt? What do you fish? What guns interest you? Tell us your best field story? Do you own hunting dogs? What's the funniest hunt you've had? The most meaningful? Upland, big game, fly fishing, trolling (the fishing kind) what's your thing?

    Pointing out problems is easy. Why not be part of the solution?
    One should give as good as they expect to take.
    and FYI not judging, defensive, or combative. Just a bit of point counter point.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  7. #56
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    I use Tapatalk I don't even know what the main page looks like lol. It's set to new post haha.

    Sent from my SM-G975W using Tapatalk

  8. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by finsfurfeathers View Post
    So lets look at the suggestions

    One should give as good as they expect to take...and FYI not judging, defensive, or combative. Just a bit of point counter point.
    I appreciate you being civil, but I doubt that this conversation is going anywhere. There have been a handful of posts on this board today. Much like in the few days since I posted in this thread. I find that odd, considering the number of board members and it's the weekend. There is something wrong, but neither you nor I has the power to change things.

    It has nothing to do with answering your questions. If you are genuinely concerned, you should move it up the chain to the admins.

    With that, I will wish the few who frequent this board a good week. To the admins and mods, I hope you figure things out.

  9. #58
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    . There have been a handful of posts on this board today. There is something wrong, but neither you nor I has the power to change things.
    You do have the power to change things. By just answering the questions asked would of generated a dozen posts and sparked conversations to boot. It seems you don't have the will to make this a better forum for which Admin can't fix. All they can do is provide a functional chat space. So lets not worry why others don't post and focus on why I don't post.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  10. #59
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael10 View Post
    I appreciate you being civil, but I doubt that this conversation is going anywhere. There have been a handful of posts on this board today. Much like in the few days since I posted in this thread. I find that odd, considering the number of board members and it's the weekend. There is something wrong, but neither you nor I has the power to change things.

    It has nothing to do with answering your questions. If you are genuinely concerned, you should move it up the chain to the admins.

    With that, I will wish the few who frequent this board a good week. To the admins and mods, I hope you figure things out.
    So with that...

    One has to question intent.

    Why are you here? You have contributed nothing of note on other topics.

    You create a new account. ( Using a writing style similar to another banned member), and then choose to drop in, passive aggressively make some suggestions, and then bow out?

    Sorry, your intentions are suspect. That is the reason for the reaction you have received.
    "Camo" is perfectly acceptable as a favorite colour.

    Proud member - Delta Waterfowl, CSSA, and OFAH

  11. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebulldog View Post
    You create a new account. ( Using a writing style similar to another banned member), and then choose to drop in, passive aggressively make some suggestions, and then bow out?

    Sorry, your intentions are suspect. That is the reason for the reaction you have received.
    H-m-m-m,now that you mention it,these posts do seem a tad familiar,don't they? It should be fairly easy to find out. Have at it.

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