May 12th, 2023, 12:28 PM
Tagged Out This Morning
Went out this morning to try and fill my 2nd tag after getting close last Saturday.
Beautiful morning to be out early being warm with a nice breeze and was set up by 5:00AM.
Two birds gobbled on the roost before legal time so i waited before making any calls.
once it was legal started calling softly and got an immediate response from 2 different toms.
waited a bit for one of them to show and one did shortly after six and game on, started calling and he came slowly.
I didn't put out the dekes this time as Saturday they were not responding to them, so kept calling softly and he came to about 60 yds and out of nowhere jumps a coyote and he flies off with coyote in pursuit and I thought I was done for the day.
as I was looking at the coyote disappearing in the tree line I see 4 birds in the 2nd field so off I go to see how close I can get to them. I reached the edge where the 2 fields bottle neck and crawl my way closer at the edge of the tree line.
Got to about 70 yds and noticed there were 6 birds with 2 strutters so I begin calling on the pot call but they were henned up.
I waited a for while to see if they would split up and finally the hens walked away feeding in the opposite direction and noticed that the strutters were 2 big jakes one looked really big, so I decided to call aggressively with fighting purrs and they started walking and strutting towards me they got to about 30 yds and I fired and down he went.
Really nice jake at 19lbs, 6" bird and 7/8" spurs.
tried to post the pictures but again not working for me, I sent the pictures to Lenny so he can verify.
Good luck to everyone,
May 12th, 2023 12:28 PM
May 12th, 2023, 12:52 PM
Nice to see a few more birds this week, congrats to all the successful hunters.
Going into the weekend, we have TurkeyJohn, CD94, tracer and Arcticcat added to the board, and Markster still waaay out in front:
All Entries
1 Markster 48.75
2 finsfurfeathers 40.5
3 Turkey John 40
4 Articcat 38
5 Lenny 37.5
6 CD94 33.75
7 tracer 32
8 Articcat 27
Two Bird Totals:
1 Articcat 65
May 12th, 2023, 01:29 PM
May 13th, 2023, 07:16 PM
nice going guys, my area really down from where it used to be, struggling just to see hens.
May 13th, 2023, 09:00 PM
Well I finally got my first turkey this morning.
For 6 days I had been trying to bag a gobbler that was roosting in the south end of the main bush on the family farm,
but could never get him in range.
On Tuesday my cousin came down and we hunted together, and with us team calling he got that gobbler.
So this morning, I went to the east side of the farm and set up along the treeline above the river flats on the edge of a beanfield next to the Grand River.
Had 4 gobblers calling after daybreak - closest was one about 150 yards south of me in the trees, and another about 120 yards north of me in the treeline, but none came out into the field - just 2 hens. The 2 hens fed in the field for about 20 minutes, then wandered off into a hayfield to the south.
After they wandered off, 4 more birds came over a hill in the beanfield about 200 yards to the north, and 3 started fanning - 3 more gobblers! None of these were the birds calling around me!
I made a couple of pairs of calls on my box call, and the biggest bird slowly walked all the way to me, with the other 2 following him - he took about 15 minutes to walk into range - waited till he was about 35 yards out, and bang!
Bird weighed 20 Lbs, 8 Oz.
10 1/4 inch beard (one single strand made it past 10")
biggest spur 1 1/4 inch
Short Spur: 14/16 inch
So many more gobblers in that area of the farm that I’m going to get a second tag.
Gun: 12 Ga Benelli nova
Shell: Winchester Long Beard 3" #6 shot.
Last edited by genec; May 14th, 2023 at 02:03 AM.
May 13th, 2023, 10:13 PM
Has too much time on their hands
"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life"
May 14th, 2023, 06:40 AM
Congratulations Genec. Very nice bird!
May 14th, 2023, 05:58 PM
good for you and your cousin.
May 14th, 2023, 07:56 PM
TurkeyWes connects finally this morning…
Poor guy had a bird at opener not fully commit and then a miss a few days later. Between work and training his time in the field has really been limited… lucky for him old Dad keeps scouting…
Got out this morning to a spot where the birds seem to go left when we go right so we decided to split up and even the odds… with a big hill between us, we were both safe and sound looking into a recently cultivated field…
We get set and confirm via text that we were each ready to go… this morning no decoys and no calling as they seem to get hung up by either… with this field, there’s a group of three Tom’s that have run together the last couple of years.. they run other birds off and basically rule the field… there’s another lone Tom that typically runs opposite from wherever they three jokers are and he’s a big bird…
So as dawn approaches the woods erupt and seems birds are all around Wes’ spot… I keep waiting for a bang but none ever comes…things quieten down after 20 minutes at least from what I’m hearing….Wes texts over and advises that the birds had skirted him and snuck behind him into a field that borders a road, no shoot field….
After a while I see the big boy pop out of the tree line above him, he can’t see him, but I give a play by play… he’s got hens and never gets closer than 80 yards to Wes and quietly drifts up and away down the field…
Wes replies back that there’s still birds in the woods and he’s got a hen close…I no sooner get the message but here a boom… Bird down and now only two jokers, they had skirted back and came though the woods to the field…
19 1/2 lbs, 1 inch spurs, 9 1/2 inch beard, a nice bird, and a happy kid…

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May 14th, 2023, 07:56 PM

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