May 6th, 2023, 08:48 PM
Little update, called the other day, it's been processed, just waiting to be printed, they said I should have it in 3-4 weeks at the latest, I told him that it's a good thing I got it in in lots of time, he said yes, that Ontario seems to be flooded with applications, don't really know what that means as I didn't really think it mattered what Province you're from, but oh well I should get it back in lots of time
May 6th, 2023 08:48 PM
May 6th, 2023, 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by
Little update, called the other day, it's been processed, just waiting to be printed, they said I should have it in 3-4 weeks at the latest, I told him that it's a good thing I got it in in lots of time, he said yes, that Ontario seems to be flooded with applications, don't really know what that means as I didn't really think it mattered what Province you're from, but oh well I should get it back in lots of time
It's just that thousands of them expired all at the same time.
May 27th, 2023, 07:49 AM
Well, my firearms licence finally arrived this week, 2.5 months before my birthday, but I'm still glad I got it in early!!
May 27th, 2023, 10:44 PM
My son should have his Adult PAL this by the end of July when he turns 18. We sent the paper work in Jan and called last week to make sure they have them and were told it's with the CFO I figure that's because he isn't 18 until the end of July.
"This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member
May 28th, 2023, 06:19 AM
Went online just to see and when i go to the website it goes to error 404 couldn't find webpage.
May 28th, 2023, 07:43 AM
Then try again, sometimes a server goes down.

Originally Posted by
Lum 24
Went online just to see and when i go to the website it goes to error 404 couldn't find webpage.
"This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member
May 29th, 2023, 06:59 AM
I’m hoping that the congestion works itself out by the time I renew in 2025.
Last edited by Sam Menard; May 29th, 2023 at 05:28 PM.
A true sportsman counts his achievements in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. - S. Pope
May 29th, 2023, 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by
I did mine on line at the end of January. They sent me a notice that my photo wasn't acceptable{ I did it on my phone with the same background as last one} in March so I got a pass port photo and mailed it to them by registered mail. No word since.
My current one doesn't expire until the end of October.
I just received my new licence today. They sent my wife a letter that I received last week from the CFO so I phoned the CFO to inform them that she had passed away April 18/23 so she wasn't going to be responding. I didn't know if this would slow things down again but apparently not.
May 29th, 2023, 06:35 PM
I would still renew 6 months early

Originally Posted by
Sam Menard
I’m hoping that the congestion works itself out by the time I renew in 2025.
"This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member
May 30th, 2023, 03:55 AM
Just sent mine in by snail mail May 20th. Also, photo is sized different for a PAL as opposed to a passport photo. This could cause a problem with the RCMP office. Had to go to a Service Ontario center to pick up the federal forms for the application, would have thought they would be on a shelf at Service Canada but why would they carry a federal form.