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Thread: Browning ammo 2 3/4 inch 1 3/8 oz lead @1500 fps defies physics?

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Browning ammo 2 3/4 inch 1 3/8 oz lead @1500 fps defies physics?

    I was in at cabelas and picked up a box of Browning labelled ammo - 2 3/4 inch 1 3/8 oz lead @1500 fps.

    Browning ammo (according to the internet) is made by Winchester aka Olin.

    It's pricey - 34.99 for a box of 25, but cheaper than similar products from Winchester (also 1 3/8 oz, but slower) or Kent FastLead ( 1 1/4 oz and slower).

    If it really is what is labelled on the box, why can't the other manufacturers do this.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Mod Squad

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    could be a proprietary powder thing
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    Sounds about right ? Good old high brass magnum loads ? Those babies will leave a mark on your shoulder. LoL !
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  5. #4

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    Probably due to a poorly designed load. Nobody really needs 1500fps (except maybe in a steel duck load) and probably produces crappy not much of a demand.
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