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Thread: Browning auto 5 12 gauge

  1. #1
    Loyal Member

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    Default Browning auto 5 12 gauge

    Does anyone have any idea what a Browning auto 5 12 gauge made in Belgium is worth. It's a little worn with some scratches etc. I believe it was made in the 70s.
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  3. #2
    Leads by example

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    Priceless !
    Well, ok not really but they are a real classic and while there are many newer Semi's out there Browning's old humpback was #1 choice in its day. Without seeing the gun I would say maybe a 1000 bucks ? Browning FAB made a few variations of A5's and of course there is wear & tear to consider.
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    Check out gunpost or cgngunutz, I currently see them for $500 - $600 with a bird barrel in good shape (thats my description not the official rating), or up to $800-$1000 in used but excelent shape and on the high side of that if its has a buck barrel. The Buck barrels alone are hot sellers, I have a smooth bore browning buck barrel and a rifled verney carron, I paid $300 each for them a few years ago and see them go for more these days.

    New and unfired, they start in the low thousands especially with the orginal hard case.
    Last edited by Marker; February 23rd, 2024 at 02:05 PM.
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