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Thread: What's your plan for 2024 Spring Turkey?

  1. #1
    Loyal Member

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    Default What's your plan for 2024 Spring Turkey?

    AFTER signing up for the Big Gobbler Contest, let me know if you have any special plans for this year's hunt.

    I have inherited by Grandfather's Winchester Model 12 that hasn't been shot in the last 60 years and I hope that I can use it this spring to take a species that wasn't even available in this guns initial hunting career. He was there when I shot my first grouse, so its only fitting that I be there for his gun's first turkey!

    I have another little project in the works, so if I am lucky enough to try for a second bird, that plan may come together as well.

    What different equipment, tactics, places or strategies are you planning on rolling out this season?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Needs a new keyboard

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    nothing special for me, not even hunting opener, it is my sisters birthday and I have missed it every year so figure this is the year I should visit.

  4. #3
    Loyal Member

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    Opening day with crossbow for me

  5. #4

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    Been practicing mouth call hard, so hoping that pays off !

  6. #5
    Needs a new keyboard

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    The fist day I can get out will be May 11th. Between the wife's birthday, Bear baiting and Mother's day this is as good as it gets for me... lol

    Oh and BTW I ordered a Stevens 301 Turkey gun end of February and it's still not in. LOL No big deal it's not like I need anytime soon...

  7. #6
    Has all the answers

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    hoping to get one reaping on public land thats about it.... just kidding

  8. #7
    Has too much time on their hands

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    I’m thankful every year to be able to hunt turkeys. I haven’t harvested one in the last two years so my goal this year is to get the monkey off my back and end this curse lol
    "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life"

  9. #8
    Borderline Spammer

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    Hunting my cousin’s farm as usual, but plan on trying a new tactic on the birds that roost along the river treeline edge of the big bean field. They always fly out far into the field out of range of a treeline blind in the mornings, and always manage to return to the treeline somewhere else than where we are set up.
    I have had one of those 1 man chair blinds for years, and I’m going to set it up well out in the beanfield way before first light, along with an Avian-X hen and a Thunder Chicken jake, and see if I can call one of the toms in.

  10. #9
    Mod Squad

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    get out well before sunrise, sit against a tree, cluck and pur some. wait until a bearded bird walks by and bang put some lead about the head and neck...repeat next day.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  11. #10
    Borderline Spammer

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    your a good brother to visit your sister on her birthday, but do you have to visit her at sunrise? maybe go for the morning hunt and bring her some turkey!

    "life is 80% preparation and 20% perspiration"

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