April 28th, 2024, 01:42 PM
Friend's First Bird
Would have posted this earlier but busy with bathroom reno
Took one of my moose hunting friends on opening morning who has not harvested a turkey yet.
We were set up half hour before legal time and it was cool but moonlit and quite cool.
About 10 minutes after legal time we hear a gobble way off in the distance and that was the only one we heard.
Did some calling on and off for about an hour and a half and still nothing.
Around 8:30 we saw a hen pop out of the tree line and was feeding for quite a while before heading back in the tree line.
Still nothing for quite a while so I started calling aggressively and purring and within 20 mins we see 2 toms and a hen in the neighbors field but they would not cross into ours, so I kept up with calling and we see 4 birds creeping thru the fence and heading our way. Started soft purrs and we see 6 more birds creep thru the fence and then the show stared.
there were four toms in this group strutting and gobbling what seemed like an hour coming our way.
We were sure it was going to be a double but I wanted him to get his first bird, as it turned out the majority of the birds stayed further away but one of the big toms and a hen decided to give us a look and at 20 yards I told him to shoot.
The tom was bigger than I thought weighed just over 25lbs, 9-3/4" beard and 7/8" spurs.
Still having trouble posting pics.
April 28th, 2024 01:42 PM
April 28th, 2024, 05:42 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Congrats to you and your buddy, heavy bird. Don’t you love it when it works out. My friend missed his first bird today, My heart sank for him. Can’t win them all
"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life"
April 29th, 2024, 05:49 AM
nice first bird. congrats to both of you
"life is 80% preparation and 20% perspiration"
April 29th, 2024, 03:35 PM
April 30th, 2024, 08:40 AM
Congrats to your buddy on his first bird and a big boy at that !
Good Luck & Good Hunting !