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Thread: Ask a CO: Can I carry a firearm outside of hunting seasons?

  1. #1

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    Default Ask a CO: Can I carry a firearm outside of hunting seasons?

    A reader asks if it's legal to carry a firearm outside of legal hunting seasons (while camping, canoeing, etc).
    What can I but enumerate old themes,
    First that sea-rider Oisin led by the nose
    Through three enchanted islands, allegorical dreams,
    Vain gaiety, vain battle, vain repose,
    Themes of the embittered heart, or so it seems.
    -- "The Circus Animals’ Desertion" by William Butler Yeats

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  3. #2
    Mod Squad

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    Interesting answer and I know just a paragraph is given to answer the question think more needs to go into the answer. Hard to generalize but one thing keep in mind most provincial areas/parks that allow hunting don't allow firearms outside of hunting seasons.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  4. #3

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    hm the answer seems strange ! I often take my bow camping (crownland), and practice during the day.
    CCFR, OFAH Member
    Its all about the Journey

  5. #4
    Loyal Member

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    If I'm in any situation that I feel I need to carry a gun, I'm gunna have it on me,
    There is a trip I know of it is a requirement to carry a gun or they simply wont let you go, and this is a fishing trip with no hunting season,
    Always exceptions to the rules

  6. #5
    Needs a new keyboard

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    The answer says you can carry a gun, but like said above not in a provincial or a federal park, unless they allow waterfowl than only during their set times.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ata83 View Post
    hm the answer seems strange ! I often take my bow camping (crownland), and practice during the day.
    Seems the onus would be on you to prove you were not hunting. Think leaving the broadheads at home and just having target heads might go a long way to support your position.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  8. #7
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    "In the absence of evidence to the contrary" are the operative words here. The regulations appear to be of the type that are deliberately ambiguous. Small game hunting seasons are open in all of southern Ontario all year, therefore, possession of firearms is permissible as long they're caliber size compliant for the area. Separating southern and northern Ontario, a clearly marked demarcation line extends across the province from east to west as shown in The Summary maps. North of that line,no small game licenses are valid,therefore,firearm possession is illegal unless one is clearly and demonstrably target shooting in a safe manner. Inclusive dates are also clearly marked.
    Society needs to stop bending to the will of the delusional.

  9. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by MeghanOOD View Post

    A reader asks if it's legal to carry a firearm outside of legal hunting seasons (while camping, canoeing, etc).
    Here is my take. I have property in an area where there is bear. I think I have seen about two in the last 10 years. So I know they are around, there are plenty of dropping to make that point. When I venture back into my bush I go armed with enough kill power to stop a bear. I really have no interest in taking a bear, so the reason I carry is purely a defensive posturing. Since bear season is inordinately long, always open through out duck and grouse season, I still like to have sufficient kill power beyond bird shot to stop a bear in defence. However having that amount of kill power aboard can present problems if you are confronted by a CO. However, I determine it was cheaper than the fine for poaching to purchases a bear license and don my blaze orange hat and vest even though I'm only out after small game.

    You don't stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
    - Gun Nut

  10. #9
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gun Nut View Post
    Here is my take. I have property in an area where there is bear. I think I have seen about two in the last 10 years. So I know they are around, there are plenty of dropping to make that point. When I venture back into my bush I go armed with enough kill power to stop a bear. I really have no interest in taking a bear, so the reason I carry is purely a defensive posturing. Since bear season is inordinately long, always open through out duck and grouse season, I still like to have sufficient kill power beyond bird shot to stop a bear in defence. However having that amount of kill power aboard can present problems if you are confronted by a CO. However, I determine it was cheaper than the fine for poaching to purchases a bear license and don my blaze orange hat and vest even though I'm only out after small game.

    You don't stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
    - Gun Nut
    Never bought the defense "got to carry for bear protection" when dealing with black bears in Ontario. Clip on a couple bells to your jacket and can pretty much guarantee you won't be seeing a bear.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  11. #10
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by finsfurfeathers View Post
    Never bought the defense "got to carry for bear protection" when dealing with black bears in Ontario. Clip on a couple bells to your jacket and can pretty much guarantee you won't be seeing a bear.
    Agreed, the chance of getting killed or seriously hurt in a car wreck on the way to your spot is far greater than having a problem with a bear.

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