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Thread: Ask a CO: Can I carry a firearm outside of hunting seasons?

  1. #21
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by FishHog View Post
    Sorry but being afraid of someone carrying a gun in the woods is way to much of the gun grabber way of thinking.
    There is no reason we (trained hunters and PAL owners) should not be able to have a gun in the woods for whatever reason we choose.

    Being afraid of that person is ridiculous in my opinion

    I’m not afraid of black bears or gun owners while in the woods and have no issues with either being there whether I have a gun at the time or not. We should be free to choose which ever way we want
    Think we are getting to the true root of the argument. My thinking has nothing to do with gun grabbing and I do believe the vast majority of gun owners behave in a safe and responsible manor. I would love to live in a prefect utopian world where everyone could " be free to choose which ever way we want" however we live in a society and rules and regs are written because of those that behaved irresponsible.
    Given the number of shot up signs in the woods I'm okay with the way the regs are written. If engaged in a legal activity yes you can have a gun otherwise it must be safely stowed away.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

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  3. #22
    Borderline Spammer

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    Quote Originally Posted by finsfurfeathers View Post
    My thinking has nothing to do with gun grabbing.
    Just to clarify. I wasn’t implying you are a gun grabber. Just that the thought process of “I’m afraid of it, so nobody should be able to do it”, is in my books is the anti method of thinking

  4. #23

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    Some bears you can predict and others you can’t. I’ve seen the unexpected charging bear in bear season before and warning shots would not sway its intent. I’ve watched the written words on bear wise in Algonquin park change over the years from being dismissive of the issue to the current approach of far more caution about unpredictability and danger. In parks you cannot carry a firearm defence tool but a canoe paddle is a good alternative. But ultimately it’s true any tool is less useful when asleep in the dark. I’d tell any camper / explorer to go watch the movies Backcountry and The Edge but also take part in some baited bear hunting to see that your best defence might be to carry an alternative to yourself like a big bag of sugary sweets as those bandits I find have a real liking for the sweets rather than you. But as with everything in life there are always the exception….and there might be some bear who is trying out the carnivore diet instead…

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    :moose: "I'd rather be in the bush hunting than playing golf anyday." :moose:

  5. #24
    Leads by example

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    Gun owners can lobby for more restrictive rules in response to societies concerns and we keep our privileges albeit under tigher more expensive to follow rules, or we can wait and watch our privileges taken away.
    National Association for Search and Rescue

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marker View Post
    Gun owners can lobby for more restrictive rules in response to societies concerns and we keep our privileges albeit under tigher more expensive to follow rules, or we can wait and watch our privileges taken away.
    That's the exact attitude that's got us into the situation we've found ourselves now. We've been too much "Mr. Nice Guy" that's got us nowhere. That needs to stop....period.

  7. #26
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marker View Post
    Gun owners can lobby for more restrictive rules in response to societies concerns and we keep our privileges albeit under tigher more expensive to follow rules, or we can wait and watch our privileges taken away.
    There is a reason society has concerns as some of our own kind are are worst enemies. Simcoe county forest banned target shooting why? I for one have seen guys sight in their slug guns shooting down the trails with nothing more for a back stop than a sheet of cardboard. Can't blame them for shutting it down.
    Time in the outdoors is never wasted

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by finsfurfeathers View Post
    There is a reason society has concerns as some of our own kind are are worst enemies. Simcoe county forest banned target shooting why? I for one have seen guys sight in their slug guns shooting down the trails with nothing more for a back stop than a sheet of cardboard. Can't blame them for shutting it down.
    Simcoe county forest! There’s sub-divisions near by. Are we even talking about the original discussion? This topic has gone sideways.

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  9. #28
    Getting the hang of it

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    Not all Simcoe county forest's have subdivisions nearby. Some are near nothing. But I do agree that this seems to have gone off from the original topic

  10. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Menard View Post
    Some of the recent black bear attacks in Ontario were mature predatory boars. 99% of the time a bear will avoid you but there is the odd chance that they will stalk you. Animals can be unpredictable.
    Majority of black bear attacks are healthy, adult predatory boars. They are animals.. and not all created equal. I've seen many. I've encountered one that absolutely looked at me like I was meat. All it takes is one.

    Finsfurfeathers will probably never encounter one, and most people never will. But each and every one of them would change their stance pretty quick if they did.

    Ignorance is bliss.

  11. #30
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    Boy what a difference - down here I carry a gun anywhere and anytime - when going overnight fishing always feel safer when I have a handgun with me - it always amazes me how Canadians are so restricted and controlled by their government - a good thing is happening down here with the Supreme Court - it is gradually getting government our of our lives with it's recent rulings - always remember - an armed citizen is a free citizen -

    I've posted this before but maybe it is worth repeating it again - years ago a holocaust survivor gave a talk at a local college - after his presentation he took questions from the audience - someone asked him why the Jews didn't put up resistance when they were being rounded up and sent to the concentration camps - his answer - with what - they took all our guns

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