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Thread: Second chance Draw for Moose

  1. #1
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Default Second chance Draw for Moose

    Reminder-today is the first day of the application period.

    There is more then 9402 tags not claimed/drawn out from 16309 in the first round.
    Total 42 % of the tags was claimed ONLY.

    Yes-there will be many claimed after the second chance draw ,but over 3000 tags go unclaimed ever since this system is introduced.Annually.

    MNRF hopefully WILL DO something about this ......even though it was contemplated already for 2024.
    In my books-it is far from fair for people to "play"the system, leaving others without chance.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2

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    Its taking more time than I thought for the required points to decrease in some WMU's. Dropped 2 points where I hunt. Still plenty of big groups around I think that have several big point guys, so claiming 1 sends the rest back for next year. Although that theory would suggest they get their tag in the first draw and the group of guys wouldn't need to apply in the 2nd. I'm sure there are guys that apply in the 2nd allocation with no intentions of claiming it. Don't get me wrong, I like the new system, just needs a couple tweaks.

  4. #3
    Borderline Spammer

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    I am getting tag every year with the new system ,
    And you try to tell me that the system is not good ...?!
    I am hunting Moose year after year ...
    Get a calf tag and go hunting ...

    Quote Originally Posted by gbk View Post
    Reminder-today is the first day of the application period.

    There is more then 9402 tags not claimed/drawn out from 16309 in the first round.
    Total 42 % of the tags was claimed ONLY.

    Yes-there will be many claimed after the second chance draw ,but over 3000 tags go unclaimed ever since this system is introduced.Annually.

    MNRF hopefully WILL DO something about this ......even though it was contemplated already for 2024.
    In my books-it is far from fair for people to "play"the system, leaving others without chance.

  5. #4
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by alfoldivandor View Post
    I am getting tag every year with the new system ,
    And you try to tell me that the system is not good ...?!
    I am hunting Moose year after year ...
    Get a calf tag and go hunting ...
    I never cried about me not going moose hunting because i got no tag-but about the system.

    You getting tag does not means the system is good!
    It is good in certain aspects -BUT remember ,you could hunt calf with the old system too.without any hassle.
    Last edited by gbk; June 16th, 2024 at 01:04 PM.

  6. #5
    Loyal Member

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    The new system needs some fine tuning but it is miles a head of the old system,
    Least this system shows how many tags get wasted, was lots of people that drew tags and never went before that is a given.
    Im 3 tags in 4 years on this system. old system I was 2 tags for 18 years so Its working for me and everyone I know.
    Even had a buddy hadn't drew a tag for 20 years and drew one, old system good chance he still wouldn't have drew a bull tag.
    Not calf hunting will help the population and the amount of meat you get off a calf is it even worth it unless solo hunting?
    half the people complain no tags and the same half complain they cant smoke every calf in Ontario. Sooner of later the calves that haven't been shot over the last 4 years calves will start having calves and hopefully the population increases which will increase tags and points will go down.

  7. #6
    Borderline Spammer

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    the wasted tag arguement keeps coming up, but in reality the MNR will only allow a certain percentage of animals harvested. If everyone claimed all the tags, they would just have to reduce the numbers of tags. If in the first couple years less tags were claimed, then they would increase the number.

    At the end of the day we can only take so many moose, if the system is changed so tags all get claimed, by the next year there will be a lot less tags. Your chances really aren't going to improve either way.

  8. #7
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    The MNRF will never succeed 100% in pleasing everyone!
    There will always be someone who finds fault with whatever systems they implement.
    I have never drawn a tag in the moose lottery myself, but if you want a healthy moose population - as I DO - then this system is FAR BETTER than the old way.
    For years I suggested to have a three year pause in ALL moose hunting in order to help the dwindling population, but moose seem to be doing somewhat better since the pandemic era, and I am loving this new draw system. Those who can afford buying expensive tags from outfitters and lodges can pretty much go hunting wherever they want, so I don't think they will ever complain anyway.
    The rest of us, can "play the system" - which is a fair draw IMHO - and hope for the best.

  9. #8
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    The point system makes hunters who apply in groups more strategic as you hope to get a tag on a regular basis. In the old days a group might get multiple tags however the objective now is to only claim the tags that you absolutely need.

    In our group of 4 hunters, 3 hunters are eligible for a bull tag but we are only claiming 1. So 2 tags go unclaimed meaning 2 guys will be eligible next year. We are happy with the new system but wish that the season started a week earlier like it used to. It’s hard to call a mature bull out in the middle of October as they are worn out already.
    A true sportsman counts his achievements in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. - S. Pope

  10. #9
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    Getting off topic but why was the season changed to a week back?
    We hunt a area that opens October 12th less then 3 km from my spot rifle season starts September 14th for rifle, it really makes no sense at all to me.
    First year back to rifle from bow in a few years, going to be a big change in moose activity for us

  11. #10
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by FishHog View Post
    the wasted tag arguement keeps coming up, but in reality the MNR will only allow a certain percentage of animals harvested. If everyone claimed all the tags, they would just have to reduce the numbers of tags. If in the first couple years less tags were claimed, then they would increase the number.

    At the end of the day we can only take so many moose, if the system is changed so tags all get claimed, by the next year there will be a lot less tags. Your chances really aren't going to improve either way.
    You are absolutely right -if that is their goal. Who knows-not sure if it is,to be honest with you.

    At the other hand-if they would fix "this issue"-transparency would improve, straightforwardness would be present, accountability for the ones "claiming and not taking" would make applicants "share the wealth"so to say-many more-You name it.

    This way- the guy who held back from moose hunting,because he wanted to hunt moose in his back yard ( MIMBY...)sat and by "default"accumulated points ,is privileged to "displace"others.

    Or-makes "lower point groups" hunting more remote areas "displace"others from even having a chance to get a tag,by qualifying "en masse"then not taking the tag.
    Yes-they "play"the system-set up for them,but that does not make it any more fair.

    I am not crying, and i could go "any time" - i have enough point to hunt-just not ready yet.

    My point is :fair is fair.

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