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Thread: The Big Debate

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default The Big Debate

    Well tomorrow night we can view the great debate - Old Joe the crook vs Donald the Duck - a lot of people will be watching with some wondering if Old Joe can stay alive long enough to finish - our country is really divided - and no matter who ends up president it ain't going to get fixed - but it is entertaining watching the show -

    Here's my take on this - before the debate they will give Old Joe a shot of something to give him some pep otherwise he'll go to sleep standing up - they will instruct him to keep calling the Duck a felon because of his recent court case - do anything to avoid talking about issues that are important to the American people

    The Duck will hammer Old Joe on the immigration issue and the screw up in foreign affairs -

    The most important part will come after the debate is over when the wackos start telling you what you just heard - but cheer up because all the problems can be solved by having a good old fashion civil war -

    Me - I'm voting for the Duck - why - I think is wife is nicer looking

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Loyal Member

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    Must watch TV ha. I set my PVR for these two idiots. Probably have coffee coming out my nose Saturday morning.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #3
    Has all the answers

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    At least you have a good reason to vote for the duck.
    Who’s going to try and steal it this time? And how low are they willing to go?

  5. #4
    Leads by example

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    I watched January 6th unfold before my eyes and was truly afraid for your country Jo Pa. I for one was happy to see Old Joe captain the good ship America and hope he stays on the job. Donald J. Trump was found guilty through due process of law and convicted of a felony. He still has charges yet to be dealt with but by your own constitution and bill of rights he will get his day in court. No man should be above the law and history has proven that. Joe Biden has not been charged with anything yet , too bad about his son but he stood up and took it like a man. Now if all it takes is a pretty face to get your vote I suppose Old Joe should have taken some of his so called ill gotten gains and purchased/hired/contracted a trophy wife but I guess he was busy serving his country as a elected official and found a nice home spun girl instead ?

    May God bless America ... with saner heads come November.
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  6. #5
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    Honestly, I can't bear to watch. It reminds of two old geezers tied with beadsheets into their wheelchairs at "the home" shaking their canes at each other arguing about who stole the last donut. We need to pay more attention to our own political fuster cluck in Ottawa. We're way farther down the so/com rabbit hole,here,than the yanks will ever be.
    Society needs to stop bending to the will of the delusional.

  7. #6
    Borderline Spammer

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    Neither is even close to a good choice to lead the country, but Joe is not healthy mentally or physically. He has been in Washington for something like 50 years and done nothing. What makes anyone think 4 more years will do that. He did not look well or even keep a train of thought straight last night. Wagons and vultures are circling his carcass.

  8. #7
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Last night's debate only confirmed that the preferred choices to lead the nation that developed powered flight, the first nuclear reactor and landed men on the moon are a convicted felon with a long history of disgraceful public behavior and an addled old man who you'd probably not trust to drive your car. America is circling the drain.

  9. #8
    Leads by example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Badenoch View Post
    Last night's debate only confirmed that the preferred choices to lead the nation that developed powered flight, the first nuclear reactor and landed men on the moon are a convicted felon with a long history of disgraceful public behavior and an addled old man who you'd probably not trust to drive your car. America is circling the drain.
    Amen Badenoch !

    Old Joe didn't bring his "A" game last night that's for sure and Donny just did his usual BS ranting about how great he is or was. At least Old Joe tried to answer the questions where as Donny just bafflegabbed until the clock ran out and didn't answer at all. CNN did a good show but it was wasted time. Maybe the Democrats will pull a rabbit out their hat ? Maybe the Republicans will come to their senses ?
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by longpointer View Post
    Amen Badenoch !

    Old Joe didn't bring his "A" game last night that's for sure and Donny just did his usual BS ranting about how great he is or was. At least Old Joe tried to answer the questions where as Donny just bafflegabbed until the clock ran out and didn't answer at all. CNN did a good show but it was wasted time. Maybe the Democrats will pull a rabbit out their hat ? Maybe the Republicans will come to their senses ?
    Democrats already appear to be moving to gently ease Biden off to Shady Acres. All Trump had to do last night was show up,toss out a few of his usual BS spin to keep the media distracted and let Joe self destruct which he did. Trump's media distraction strategy is still masterful. The lefties aren't smart enough to figure that out. By the time they do,Trump will be back in the White House.
    Society needs to stop bending to the will of the delusional.

  11. #10
    Member for Life

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    The debate was painful to watch. I can’t believe that these two are the best the US has to offer as leader of the free world. Canadians better take heed. When the US sneezes, Canada gets the cold.
    “If you’re not a Liberal by twenty, you have no heart. If you’re not a Conservative by forty, you have no brain.”
    -Winston Churchill

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