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Thread: Another State Allowing Open Carry

  1. #21
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    Not that I feel any desire to get into this debate, but do want to provide some thought, on at least 1 wee aspect.

    Armed cops are ambushed and killed all the time. Why might an armed civilian be any better at preventing, or avoiding it. It's logically inconsistent to think Johnny Q would be any more capable (likely less given most/many cops have something called street sense and situational awareness, likely not found in the average person) at not becoming statistics.

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBen View Post
    Not that I feel any desire to get into this debate, but do want to provide some thought, on at least 1 wee aspect.

    Armed cops are ambushed and killed all the time. Why might an armed civilian be any better at preventing, or avoiding it. It's logically inconsistent to think Johnny Q would be any more capable (likely less given most/many cops have something called street sense and situational awareness, likely not found in the average person) at not becoming statistics.
    Most cops walk around in these target bags call uniforms then stand out like neon signs.

    The guy that walks in to the store and shoves a gun in the clerks face may not have payed any mind to the elderly lady looking at produce....till she lets the air out his head with her .22 mag revolver.

    Cops dress to be seen. A conceal carry person is like that snake you just grab not knowing it's got fangs.
    Now you're bite and are going to DIE.
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  4. #23
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    Was referring to some comments re open carry. Maybe just me but a glock on someone's hip stands out just as much any missed target...sorry cop

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBen View Post
    Was referring to some comments re open carry. Maybe just me but a glock on someone's hip stands out just as much any missed target...sorry cop
    Yes advertiving is bad...
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  6. #25
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    That's what I'm thinking.

    I think ultimately while there are similarities between us and the US. There are different dynamics in play as well. WHo knows what 15 years will bring, but often things that are occurring in the US with respect to various trends, social things follow here. Will things ever get as bad here, as there? No I don't think so. While we definitely have similarities here and there (Im trying to avoid specifics ), we are very different as well. With respect to literacy/education, people feeling disenfranchised and disadvantaged ( social nets) and more.

    Shall issue and all that.
    Im staying out of

  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oddmott View Post
    Which is fine... since they don't target the law abiding public.
    They don't target the law abiding community??? Tell that to all the victims, many of them elderly, of the recent rash of home invasions that seem to be occurring more often. While it may not be of epidemic proportions currently, one is too many. Brain dead, stoned punks barging in to a home, tying people up, robbing and occasionally killing them , deserve one thing and one thing only in my opinion. A face full of buckshot. End of story!!!

  8. #27
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    Pat specified the Jane-Finch crowd. Erringly claiming that area's violence is against innocents. It's not.
    Roosted ain't Roasted.

  9. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oddmott View Post
    Pat specified the Jane-Finch crowd. Erringly claiming that area's violence is against innocents. It's not.
    I absolutely agree. Any community that insists on keeping silent about crime when they know who the badasses are and steadfastly refuse to co-operate with law enforcement are enablers and as such can never be seen as "innocents."
    As for home invasions,not all,but,almost every one has some prior involvement with crime at some level. It's usually always a common denominator. They can't be regarded as "innocents",either.
    Society needs to stop bending to the will of the delusional.

  10. #29
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    Random homes are not picked, they know who lives there ,and what they want. How they know what is in the house is the question, prior interaction would be # 1 on the list. Everyone I know uses a bank , not a bunch of shoeboxes filled with cash under the bed. ......But it might not be the grandparents ( who may know nothing), who are home, when they arrive, that the intruders are after, but the grandkids living in the basement who were not home ,when the bad guys showed up.
    Last edited by fishermccann; April 21st, 2015 at 12:51 AM.

  11. #30
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Wish they would allow open carry here!

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