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Thread: How to buy labour peace in Ontario

  1. #61
    Has too much time on their hands

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    It looks like the Ontario Liberals are lining up to face the Ontario Medical Association. I was at a doctors appt. today and the usual blood pressure, weight talk... one good, one bad.... about 2 minutes. The next 10 were on the petition they have going and what the Ontario gov't is doing to doctors especially the new ones, how many were leaving the province under what the Ontario gov't is doing. They have apparently set a cap on what a doctor can earn in a year, a max. they can make and then the province won't pay them any more. So surgeons and specialist and clinics will be hit hard under this change. For example if a clinic doctor wants to put in extra hours and see more patients to earn some extra money it doesn't matter anymore they can only earn up to the max. and then they won't be paid. This should see our wait times go up, specialty clinics limit the number of patients, some offices close as doctors move to another province or the US.... pay offs for teachers, billions for windmills, a billion to close gas plants.... but an aging population and probably another 15,000+ showing up in Ontario from Syria and they decide to crack down on doctors....

    I missed JBen's links....

    Quote Originally Posted by JBen View Post

    While Teachers are getting 2%, the typical stiff is losing 2% and their employers 2% (ORPP). And theres everything else like land taxes, Hydro, plate fees and much more.

    55% of the budgets expenses goes to salary and benefits.
    10% to debt servicing.

    If anyone dares say boo, they get annihilated. See who has worked oh so hard to keep this admin in power despite so much. Even to the point now where

    Drs are getting reamed

    And finally last and least to them all
    The lowly tax payer whose getting hammered, doesn't have a pension or enough saved and cant save.
    Where taxes take 45% of their gross and 42% goes to housing/food/clothing.

    Whose to blame?
    Last edited by mosquito; October 27th, 2015 at 10:44 AM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #62
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    Read the link to the OMAs site I provided. Theres been a number of press relases the month/two with respect to what it's costing us in "healthcare". Hence why I laugh so hard when dyed in the wool Liberals bring up the ghost of Mike Harris. And keep in mind Drs kind of like teachers pay for a lot of things out of their own pockets except unlike their office space, their equipment, their secretaries, etc.

    Then read the Nurses page (issues and stats)..

    good job "Ontario" (read the sarcasm between the quotes)
    Last edited by JBen; October 27th, 2015 at 10:45 AM.

  4. #63
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    I think it will be the Fed's that will bring us this gift but I could see Ontario bringing in a carbon tax while the fed's enter us into a cap and trade scheme. Either way we will be fooked once again.

  5. #64
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    So to bring this back, to buying "labour peace"....and their love in and support over the years.
    Yes, the price being paid is huge. Be it the state of Healthcare, be it others like Drs or Nurses paying prices, or working stiffs (many without pensions) getting pummelled by Hydro, taxation, fees like liscence plate renewals and more. Be it the amount of debt,the sacandals and corruption, the economy, more taxes to come (Carbon or other)

    Nice arrangement.

    And good job Unions, you get to wear the goats hat. And "teachers" wonder why so many "hate" them or spew vitriol, or why the profession gets less respect these days, than those greedy wall street types.
    Last edited by JBen; October 27th, 2015 at 01:12 PM.

  6. #65
    Has too much time on their hands

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    ... and for the teachers.... the bribe/payout/supplement....???? keeps growing.

    Wynne Liberals can’t keep their excuses straight as bill for union payments grows

    "Unfortunately for Wynne, the size of the meal keeps growing: from $2.5 million paid to three unions when the news broke a week ago, the figure quickly grew to $3.7 million, and on Tuesday was reported to be as high as $7.1 million."

  7. #66
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    Minister says the 2.5m payout to the teacher's unions was an "investment"......translated it means, the unions owe us their support !!!!

  8. #67
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by rick_iles View Post
    Minister says the 2.5m payout to the teacher's unions was an "investment"......translated it means, the unions owe us their support !!!!

    $2.5m is old news...

    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    on Tuesday was reported to be as high as $7.1 million."

  9. #68
    Needs a new keyboard

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    The doctors were the only group able to back Mike Harris down so maybe it's time they take a hit. What is the maximum the doctor is allowed to make?

    So Wynne has cut the budget for nurses, doctors, MNR, etc. JB you want cuts you're getting cuts. What's the problem?

    The Province has settled with most of the teacher's unions (I know they helped grease the settlement) but they have left one teacher's union dangling. They're going to take the elementary teachers union to the wall as they see them as the least willing to fight. Back in the day elementary teachers were primarily female and second wage earners. Do they have the resolve to strike ...... bet they don't!

    The way I see it Wynne can't fight with every union at the same time. Just like in nature she cut the weakest unions out of the herd. Next time up she might tackle the OPP or Hydro or OSSTF. She can't wage a war on all fronts.

  10. #69
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Can't be an accident that the sectors that are getting cut have had their bargaining rights limited by declaring them "essential services"! Soon we'll all make McD wages and they'll be nothing to fight about. Ain't free trade great! Thank you Brian Mulroney.

  11. #70
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    With several pending OPP investigations still on there is no way this government will "not" cave to OPP demands. No way. Not gonna happen.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

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