September 14th, 2016, 10:13 AM
Yes me too - $61 for that formula doesnt make sense!!!

Originally Posted by
I'd like to know where you buy Acana for $61/bag?
September 14th, 2016 10:13 AM
September 14th, 2016, 02:22 PM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
Yes me too - $61 for that formula doesnt make sense!!!
I think about 10 years ago it was that price.
September 14th, 2016, 02:46 PM
" We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett
September 14th, 2016, 03:18 PM
Has too much time on their hands
That's a good price Sharon !
September 14th, 2016, 03:39 PM
I get the 11th bag for free at Global so in the long run its about the same. Rather support my small local retailer.
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.
September 14th, 2016, 06:52 PM
Its a local pet store, "Village Pet Supply", they have the Acana sport and agility for 61.99$ and the Paulmacs Pets in my town sells it for 63.99$ 

Originally Posted by
I'd like to know where you buy Acana for $61/bag?
September 14th, 2016, 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by
By the way, welcome to the forum. Good to see anther contributor to the Dog forum especially, always good to hear practical advice from an experienced owner.
Thanks! I wouldn't go so far as to say "experienced owner" though I am working on it haha! Since getting my two GSPs I have become one of those crazy dog moms/owners. I love researching about the breed and other sporting breeds which brought me to this forum. I really enjoy reading through the threads, its seems like everyone has a slightly (or drastically) different opinion but people (mostly) are respectful, constructive and helpful.
September 14th, 2016, 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by
Its a local pet store, "Village Pet Supply", they have the Acana sport and agility for 61.99$ and the Paulmacs Pets in my town sells it for 63.99$

That's a great price. I go to Peterborough on business I might just swing by and stock up. Thx for the tip. My dog does great on the Acana Grasslands.
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.
September 14th, 2016, 07:27 PM
I actually live in Lakefield, just north of ptbo. I'd give them a call first, they don't typically keep too many in stock.... Probably because the price is so good?!

Originally Posted by
That's a great price. I go to Peterborough on business I might just swing by and stock up. Thx for the tip. My dog does great on the Acana Grasslands.
September 14th, 2016, 09:39 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Lakefield...I have a friend that lives their and breeds flat coats.