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Thread: You sir, are a hardcore deer hunter

  1. #1
    Leads by example

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    Default You sir, are a hardcore deer hunter

    You are a hardcore deer hunter when:

    1. You look at a tree and judge it by its ability to conceal your tree stand
    2. You spot the deer in fields before anyone else in the car
    3. You watch the flags on buildings to monitor the slightest change in wind direction
    4. Your spouse plans vacations around open season
    5. You can walk to all your tree stands in the dark
    6. You had a good season even when you did not fill your tag
    7. You pass along your hunting knowledge when meeting other hunters
    8. Your next season preparation starts on closing day
    9. A Conservation Officer has thanked you
    10. You have mentored a new hunter in your group and they were successful

    You sir, are core.

    Personally, I am still working on some of these....
    National Association for Search and Rescue

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marker View Post
    You are a hardcore deer hunter when:

    1. You look at a tree and judge it by its ability to conceal your tree stand
    2. You spot the deer in fields before anyone else in the car
    3. You watch the flags on buildings to monitor the slightest change in wind direction
    4. Your spouse plans vacations around open season
    5. You can walk to all your tree stands in the dark
    6. You had a good season even when you did not fill your tag
    7. You pass along your hunting knowledge when meeting other hunters
    8. Your next season preparation starts on closing day
    9. A Conservation Officer has thanked you
    10. You have mentored a new hunter in your group and they were successful

    You sir, are core.

    Personally, I am still working on some of these....
    Beautifully said. Man,this should be a "sticky".

  4. #3

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    Marker doesn't just talk the talk, he has nailed down a couple of these to my direct benefit. Also, I can confirm he has #5 down pat...

    All in all, this is a great road map for the upcoming season.

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