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Thread: So the dog was growling yesterday

  1. #11
    Loyal Member

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    That's funny Terrym! Our britt would probably re-act the same. lol

  2. # ADS

  3. #12

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    I got my bro a little drone for xmas, it was off the ground for about 2 seconds before it was in my dogs mouth. lol

  4. #13
    Needs a new keyboard

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    They do look like a lot of fun. I could see using one when out on the quad, or icefishing as mentioned. I like to go out and about in the truck a lot as well with the dog looking for any off road trails I can find close to home. I think I'd use one.

  5. #14
    Member for Life

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    They are somewhat range limited by the software however many will do over 3 miles easily and return.

  6. #15

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    I have one meant for indoor use, not ideal for outdoors due to its lightweight frame under 1 lbs. Fun for training and basic concepts of drone flight. Thinking of upgrading in future.

  7. #16
    Member for Life

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    There's a whole whack of restrictive legislation that came down last week that pretty much halts random use of the drones without flight plans filed,use around residences and people. Like everything else,it's looking a classic case of the wahoos ruining it for everyone else. My daughter had been using one for he real estate surveys that just got "the big no-no" from corporate law unless she wants to register the drone and file flight plans every time she wants to use it for everything except rural properties. She says that for residential properties,it's not worth the hassle.
    Society needs to stop bending to the will of the delusional.

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