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Thread: Housing Market

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Housing Market

    This housing market is going nuts all over Ontario.
    My wife and daughter were in Sarnia yesterday , there they met with my wife's brother for coffee, he sells real estate, he mentioned that he just sold a house in Point Edward , that listed for $598 thousand , for $ 102 thousand over asking price, 14 bidders were in on it's sale.
    He said that he has one customer that has bought 5 houses from him on spec and has sold one of them for a very hefty profit.
    One thing that is surprising is that a lot of his customers are coming from the central Ontario area

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Thought about seling my place and moving... but its pointless... everything is soo pricey id be no further ahead.

    Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
    Member of the OFAH, CCFR/CCDAF.

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Neighbor across the street just sold their home in 5 days. The listing started at $525K and sold for $675K with 18 offers. They were really nice folks to meet,too,very friendly and outgoing with lots of questions about the neighborhood and neighbors. They've sold their place in Markham for $1.2M closing in 60 days. The guy really likes fishing,so,we should get along great. Maybe,he can teach me how to speak Mandarin. I always wanted to be tri-lingual.

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