November 25th, 2017, 01:41 PM
Fisheries Manage Zone (FMZ) 16 listening sessions
[COLOR=#333333]Help plan the future of fisheries in Southwestern Ontario! The MNRF is holding 4 public listening sessions to gain input on the future planning of Fisheries Management 
[COLOR=#333333]Nov 28 – Alliston, ON
[COLOR=#333333]Nov 30 – Walkerton, ON
[COLOR=#333333]Dec 5th – London, ON
[COLOR=#333333]Dec 7th – Burlington, ON
Waterloo Wellington CBAF, CBAF Team Ontario 2009
Lake Huron Fishing Club School Salmon Hatchery Co-ordinator
Forest City Bassmasters, KW Muskies Canada
November 25th, 2017 01:41 PM