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Thread: Ontario wild boar hunt gone bad

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoePa View Post
    Even if the land owner didn't give out right permission to hunt during their first conversation the hunter can always claim that she did - so who are you going to believe - I think that she did give the hunter permission otherwise it is pretty brazen to hunt on her land and so close to the house without permission - one other point - the ability to sue someone is a very valuable right - it is a way to keep people from running rough shot over you - we sue a lot down here when we think that we have been wronged - we even sue the cops when they over step their bounds - all you have to do is threaten someone that you will sue them if they do a certain thing and you see a changed encounter -
    There's a tremendous difference in civil and criminal legalities between the US and Canada,Joe. Our civil law system is designed specifically to eliminate frivolous or vexatious lawsuits. In Canada,a litigant can win a law suit and still be required to pay all legal fees for both sides if their ability to pay is greater than that of the defendants. An further example would be nobody will ever win $100M settlement for a cup of spilled hot coffee.

  2. # ADS

  3. #82

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    Default Pigs can fly: B.C. farmers airmailing new pets to bereaved Navan couple

    Christmas will arrive early — on or about Dec. 18, to be exact — for a Navan couple whose beloved pet pot-bellied pigs were shot dead by a confused hunter in Ottawa's rural east end last month.

    Matt Nooyen and Lianne Guilbeault were devastated after an acquaintance apparently mistook the animals for wild boars and killed Pickles and Rosie just metres from the couple's Navan home.

    Now a couple from British Columbia, hearing word of the tragedy, has reached out to Nooyen and Guilbeault with an offer to replace the pets with newly born piglets.

    "I felt so bad for them." said Jeanne Kaminski from her West Kelowna hobby farm. "I was actually in tears when I read the story."
    More -

  4. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by awndray View Post
    Cute little buggers !!!!!

  5. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by rick_iles View Post
    Cute little buggers !!!!!
    Maybe,they'll name them Porky and Chop Chop.

  6. #85
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    Hope Air Canada doesn't leave them sitting on the tarmack in edmonton or Winnipeg for a couple hours between planes. They would be porksicles for sure.
    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  7. #86
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    "Two men have been charged under Ontario's Fish and Wildlife Act with using a firearm without consideration for property, and trespassing for the purposes of hunting."
    Last edited by burns; December 7th, 2017 at 06:29 PM.

  8. #87
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    Very good, glad to see it.

  9. #88
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    Nice .

    Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk

  10. #89

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  11. #90
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    Makes sense to me.

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