February 22nd, 2019, 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by
An interesting comment, was the Lib win even legitimate in the first place due to foreign influence, Lead Now (US funded group) worked to defeat the Conservatives in 29 ridings and the Libs won in 25 .... NDP and even CUPE complained about Lead Now in 2015.
Why? So that Trump could end up negotiating CUSMA with a drama teacher with zero business savvy? Sounds like the US had a great plan.
February 22nd, 2019 01:55 PM
February 22nd, 2019, 06:37 PM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
Why? So that Trump could end up negotiating CUSMA with a drama teacher with zero business savvy? Sounds like the US had a great plan.
Worked out to the benefit of Trump on the trade for sure but Trudeau is more this man's puppet, after all Lead Now was identified awhile as being funded from the Tides foundation and Soros piggy bank.
... and this might be real interesting...
Mark Norman's defence team targets Trudeau, Butts with subpoenas
Lawyers seeking emails, texts and notes related to vice-admiral's criminal case
Last edited by mosquito; February 22nd, 2019 at 07:43 PM.
February 26th, 2019, 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by
Someone who actually has respect for the country, doesn't lie through their teeth, actually works hard and cares about integrity and has a dislike of secret agenda's, coverups and dictatorships, respects others but doesn't mindlessly accept things but thinks there should be free speech ... essentially everything that isn't Liberals we see in Ottawa. The Libs in Ottawa lie like crazy, are intentionally divisive, arrogant, take from charities/poor/middle class (as long as it isn't themselves), spend without a thought in their heads and have openly expressed admiration for a dictator that spread revolution and terror through out Central America and Africa as well as an admiration for a dictatorship that killed 50,000,000+ and runs over students with tanks, M103, payoffs to a terrorist....essentially complete mental, moral and integrity failures.
And you forgot to mention that the Libs think the budget will just balance itself. I'm still waiting for that.
February 26th, 2019, 02:43 PM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
And you forgot to mention that the Libs think the budget will just balance itself. I'm still waiting for that.
Yes, now they are talking 2040 and then there is this promise .... here is Justin being Liberal "honest"...
February 28th, 2019, 04:36 PM
I love Harper looking at him like that, probably thinking "This is what blowing smoke out of A&& your looks like"
July 13th, 2019, 04:12 AM
Has too much time on their hands
No point, the sh** keeps coming and no one wants another 200 topics on the various sh**. The Summary on page 1 was updated with new Links awhile ago but no point... the list of sh** is just too long... and people still support them.
“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” - George Orwell
Already posted in another thread but Trudeau deliberately ignored and I would even say shunned
Here is a video that was just posted .... talk about obvious ... and the look on his face .... they were already talking about how the Chinese premier would not talk to Justin and that Justin hadn't even tried .... even though Trump is intervening for the two Canadians basically being held hostage in China ....
"Little Potato" told to man up... Trump raises Canadian prisoners in China at G20,
Trudeau cheers anti-pipeline activist as star Liberal candidate
Under Trudeau Government, Canada Has Fallen From 8th To 18th On World Press Freedom Index
Canada, the fourth biggest oil nation, may be the world’s least energy secure
Peter Tertzakian: We could be a court ruling in Michigan, or a cruise missile in Iran, away from oil shortages
Libs want China's help in election...
Another Lib breaks ethics rules and gets away free...
Dion found that Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld "attempted to use her position to influence voters' decisions to further the private interests of a family member" when she sent a robocall to her constituents calling on them to vote for her husband in his campaign to snag an Ottawa city council seat. She also sent letters and engaged in door-to-door canvassing on his behalf, the commissioner's ruling stated.
SNC forgotten?? Butts is back.
Following the ridiculous Liberal propaganda threads on Twitter using the repeat until they believe it idea ... the Liberal's are super desperate... over and over they keep saying Scheer wants to go back to the Harper days when pollution was free .... yet they can't explain how a tax will help. Prepare for the summer if LIEbral screaming!
Last edited by mosquito; July 20th, 2019 at 01:22 PM.