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Thread: Alzheimer Prevention

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter John View Post
    You are a class act Fox. 1st class. Agree or disagree with Joe all you want but that ain't fair. That Grandaddy that you speak so highly of would likely not approve ? Run along now and read some more articles and ballistic tables so you are ready to lecture US all on everything you know.
    That seems a little harsh.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharon View Post
    I'll let you know what 50 % I end up in.
    Sorry to hear that Sharron, my uncle was just diagnosed as well with parkinsons. I know you may not be fond of marijuana from previous posts but it may be worth your time to look into using CBD to help with the shakes. Its a form of cannabis that does not get you high or give you any buzz at all, its one of the chemicals in cannabis that calms nerves and eases pain and is more associated with the medicinal aspect of the substance. My uncle has been using it in smoke and pill form and has had great results. If you google effects of CBD on parkinsons there are some videos showing drastic changes in people who use CBD. It wont alter your state of consciousness or make you feel weird. Before you make up your mind about it consider watching the videos below they are mind blowing, you may need some tissues...hope this helps you in some way.

  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fishermccann View Post
    That seems a little harsh.
    So does telling an older gentleman to smoke and drink enough to die so he wont have to worry about dementia . Tell you what G , I will apologize if Fox does.

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter John View Post
    You are a class act Fox. 1st class. Agree or disagree with Joe all you want but that ain't fair. That Grandaddy that you speak so highly of would likely not approve ? Run along now and read some more articles and ballistic tables so you are ready to lecture US all on everything you know.
    Alcoholism has killed members of my family through strokes and liver failure, so yes, my comment is fair.

    If you want to use alcohol to beat Alzheimer disease it is very possible, you can do it by drinking to excess over a lifetime and destroy your body.

    I also have had family members with severe dementia and watched the brains of family members of friends rot away due to different types of dementia (Alzheimer disease is only one of many) and although it is hard on the family it is much easier on the patient than something like cancer. I was told once by a very smart lady that dementia puts you into the perfect state of mind, "you live for the moment, nothing in the past matters because you cannot remember it." It is hard when your uncle has no clue who you are but it hurts you, it does not hurt them.

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter John View Post
    So does telling an older gentleman to smoke and drink enough to die so he wont have to worry about dementia . Tell you what G , I will apologize if Fox does.
    I never told anyone to drink to the point of killing themselves but saying that drinking will prevent dementia can destroy families.

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter John View Post
    So does telling an older gentleman to smoke and drink enough to die so he wont have to worry about dementia . Tell you what G , I will apologize if Fox does.
    What in the history of JoePa's thread would indicate to you that he is an older gentleman? Based on his posts, I see a cranky, old coot constantly yelling at imaginary kids to get off his lawn.

  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    Alcoholism has killed members of my family through strokes and liver failure, so yes, my comment is fair.

    If you want to use alcohol to beat Alzheimer disease it is very possible, you can do it by drinking to excess over a lifetime and destroy your body.

    I also have had family members with severe dementia and watched the brains of family members of friends rot away due to different types of dementia (Alzheimer disease is only one of many) and although it is hard on the family it is much easier on the patient than something like cancer. I was told once by a very smart lady that dementia puts you into the perfect state of mind, "you live for the moment, nothing in the past matters because you cannot remember it." It is hard when your uncle has no clue who you are but it hurts you, it does not hurt them.
    Yes it is heartbreaking for the loved ones of those suffering from dementia or alcoholism as I have also experienced both in my immediate family and wish that no one else would have to go through it but I know that's not possible.

  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dythbringer View Post
    What in the history of JoePa's thread would indicate to you that he is an older gentleman? Based on his posts, I see a cranky, old coot constantly yelling at imaginary kids to get off his lawn.

    You are not wrong Dyth but as Sharon once so eloquently said regarding Jo PA that he is from a different time and was raised with different values that he still adheres to today. I can certainly see the wisdom in Sharon's words as my Grandparents were perhaps not as enlightened as we are today in our changing society.
    It is easy to disagree with Jo as I said earlier but making fun of or picking on him seems rather childish and suggesting he drink or smoke himself to excess so he wont have to worry about living long enough to get dementia is just wrong imho . I think we should be better than that.

  10. #19
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    I spent 32 years working in long term care, mostly on a locked unit dealing with various forms of dementia. They cannot 'conclusively', determine if it is actually Alzheimer's that caused the dementia until an autopsy is done. I will say that dementia of any form can happen to anyone, it crosses the entire spectrum, monetary, intellectual, educational, cultural, racial, age, abstainers or drunks. I have dealt with early onset Alzheimer's in 40 year olds that never drank or smoked. They say that there is a genetics connection, it can run in families.
    Last edited by fishermccann; February 8th, 2018 at 09:35 AM.

  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by fishermccann View Post
    I spent 32 years working in long term care, mostly on a locked unit dealing with various forms of dementia. They cannot 'conclusively', determine if it is actually Alzheimer's that caused the dementia until an autopsy is done. I will say that dementia of any form can happen to anyone, it crosses the entire spectrum, monetary, intellectual, educational, cultural, racial, age, abstainers or drunks. I have dealt with early onset Alzheimer's in 40 year olds that never drank or smoked. They say that there is a genetics connection, it can run in families.
    High stress levels can do it too, met a guy who was burned in an industrial accident, started to develop dementia only a few years later. When I met him he thought I was his grandson come to visit, I went with it, his grandson had not visited him in 5+ years.

    I still say I would much rather lose my mind and therefore not know what was going on than lose my body and know that is was happening.

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