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Thread: Alzheimer Prevention

  1. #21
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter John View Post
    You are not wrong Dyth but as Sharon once so eloquently said regarding Jo PA that he is from a different time and was raised with different values that he still adheres to today. I can certainly see the wisdom in Sharon's words as my Grandparents were perhaps not as enlightened as we are today in our changing society.
    It is easy to disagree with Jo as I said earlier but making fun of or picking on him seems rather childish and suggesting he drink or smoke himself to excess so he wont have to worry about living long enough to get dementia is just wrong imho . I think we should be better than that.
    Being from a different time doesn't excuse ignorant comments and/or actions. Humans aren't robots who are programmed from birth. We have the capacity to change our morals and ethics. There are plenty of posters on this form who are the same age as JoePa and don't have the level of ignorance he does.

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dythbringer View Post
    Being from a different time doesn't excuse ignorant comments and/or actions. Humans aren't robots who are programmed from birth. We have the capacity to change our morals and ethics. There are plenty of posters on this form who are the same age as JoePa and don't have the level of ignorance he does.

    I can only speak to the people I know/knew. My grandparents on 1 side were ignorant of the world and people and had some bigoted views, the other side moved around and worked outside of the home, they never had a racism bone in their bodies, but some of their family members did. Those grandparents that did have bigoted views at one time learned from their kids and their grandkids and grew to realize that they were wrong.

  4. #23
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    My Grandparents were some what the same, when they first met my best friend ( still is to this day ) they had likely never met black kid before and referred to him as the nice little colored boy. They treated him well and enjoyed when we both came to visit and stay and fish for a few days as we would walk the Boyne from Flesherton almost to Eugenia where they would pick us up.
    Anyway the way to educate and enlighten someone one who holds on to these ignorant views is through education and dialogue not by belittling, insulting , or shouting them down. That's likely why Trump is in the white house. Any way , carry on.

  5. #24
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    Thanks for the suppose Hunter - appreciate it - what it boils down to is that I think and say things that others don't agreed with - because I do this I am bigoted, ignorant and whatever - people now a days want everyone to think alike and only suppose those who think likewise - I've been on this earth quite some time and I see how things are going because of the liberal progressive agenda that is being thrown out and believed - and look where it has gotten us - instead of prayers in school now they have metal detectors - getting married and raising a family in a traditional way is now out of bonds - and the result is divorces and screwed up kids - dope is all over the place where once it wasn't even heard of - running around on your spouse is now an affair where once it was considered adultery - politicians who have no character and commit all sorts of immortal acts are continually voted into office - you have to lock everything up otherwise it will be stolen - our government and its law enforcement agencies are corrupt - you can't believe anything that the press puts out - laws are broken and the government does nothing, it picks and chooses what laws to enforce - I could go on and on - its because I march to the beat of a different drum some take exception to it - well I'll tell you something - I will keep saying what I think is right and don't give a hoot if people like it or not - neither do I care what people call me - I am what I am from a life time of experiences - I'm sure most of those criticizing haven't experienced half of what I have yet somehow they know it all and have all the answers - my priorities are - God, family and country - I'll go to my grave that way - so to you know it alls - lots of luck

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoePa View Post
    Thanks for the suppose Hunter - appreciate it - what it boils down to is that I think and say things that others don't agreed with - because I do this I am bigoted, ignorant and whatever - people now a days want everyone to think alike and only suppose those who think likewise - I've been on this earth quite some time and I see how things are going because of the liberal progressive agenda that is being thrown out and believed - and look where it has gotten us - instead of prayers in school now they have metal detectors - getting married and raising a family in a traditional way is now out of bonds - and the result is divorces and screwed up kids - dope is all over the place where once it wasn't even heard of - running around on your spouse is now an affair where once it was considered adultery - politicians who have no character and commit all sorts of immortal acts are continually voted into office - you have to lock everything up otherwise it will be stolen - our government and its law enforcement agencies are corrupt - you can't believe anything that the press puts out - laws are broken and the government does nothing, it picks and chooses what laws to enforce - I could go on and on - its because I march to the beat of a different drum some take exception to it - well I'll tell you something - I will keep saying what I think is right and don't give a hoot if people like it or not - neither do I care what people call me - I am what I am from a life time of experiences - I'm sure most of those criticizing haven't experienced half of what I have yet somehow they know it all and have all the answers - my priorities are - God, family and country - I'll go to my grave that way - so to you know it alls - lots of luck
    Good post Joe!!! Some of us here are old enough to remember those things.

  7. #26
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    [QUOTE=Dythbringer;1051414 Based on his posts, I see a cranky, old coot constantly yelling at imaginary kids to get off his lawn.[/QUOTE]

    I see an old coot with a twinkle in his eye? Every time he shakes the branch with the hornets nest on it, most on here, just start buzzing! Harmless as the day is long, but most of you fall for it, hook, line n sinker! It's so funny.... and predictable.

  8. #27
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    BM , on this we agree, I think he is just having fun with the Canadians. For you JP, you are assuming people need god to have good morals or values, which is false.
    Last edited by fishermccann; February 8th, 2018 at 12:22 PM.

  9. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoePa View Post
    Thanks for the suppose Hunter - appreciate it - what it boils down to is that I think and say things that others don't agreed with - because I do this I am bigoted, ignorant and whatever - people now a days want everyone to think alike and only suppose those who think likewise - I've been on this earth quite some time and I see how things are going because of the liberal progressive agenda that is being thrown out and believed - and look where it has gotten us - instead of prayers in school now they have metal detectors - getting married and raising a family in a traditional way is now out of bonds - and the result is divorces and screwed up kids - dope is all over the place where once it wasn't even heard of - running around on your spouse is now an affair where once it was considered adultery - politicians who have no character and commit all sorts of immortal acts are continually voted into office - you have to lock everything up otherwise it will be stolen - our government and its law enforcement agencies are corrupt - you can't believe anything that the press puts out - laws are broken and the government does nothing, it picks and chooses what laws to enforce - I could go on and on - its because I march to the beat of a different drum some take exception to it - well I'll tell you something - I will keep saying what I think is right and don't give a hoot if people like it or not - neither do I care what people call me - I am what I am from a life time of experiences - I'm sure most of those criticizing haven't experienced half of what I have yet somehow they know it all and have all the answers - my priorities are - God, family and country - I'll go to my grave that way - so to you know it alls - lots of luck
    Thanks Joe, back in my grandparents generation when Incest was rampant and people just did not talk about it, when a woman was beat to within an inch of her life by her husband but it was frowned upon if she left him, ya, the good old days. Go to church on Sunday and be a horrible person all week but heck, you can atone for your sins right, so no problem as long as you are in that church for an hour a week.

  10. #29
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    Fox, You may want to reach out and talk to someone. Being serious here pal.

  11. #30
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    One other thing while I'm at it - I don't like men who are wimps - a man should be a man - ladies want to marry a man not some wimp - and I'll tell you something - there is an old saying down here in my neck of the woods - tell me who your leader is and I will tell you who you are - I know not all voted for him but you guys that keep criticizing me appear to fall in that mold and probably did vote for your leader - he is talking about changing the words in your national anthem - can you believe that - he is the wimpiest leader in the world - I bet that little fat guy with the funny hair cut from North Korea can clobber him - probably even the woman that leads Germany - the one that looks like a NFL linebacker - can also - so please give me a break and don't say anything bad about our great leader Trump - at least he is no wimp - that's it for today - I gotta go outside and cut some real big trees down for firewood - when is frozen like this cutting a tree down with a chain saw is rough on the saw so I generally pull them out by the roots -

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