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Thread: End of Deer Hunting

  1. #11
    Mod Squad

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    Quote Originally Posted by JoePa View Post
    When the majority of people on this forum want me to stop posting then I will
    Put me down as a yes vote buddy!

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    That's a good question - why did I come back - well here goes - you will get mad but here is the reason - I would occasionally check the forum out to see how things were going - what I found was a dead mule - so I thought to myself there are some nice guys on that forum so I wanted to help - what this forum needed was a shot in the arm - kinda like a jump start - knowing that there are a bunch of wimps - gays - feminist - liberals and atheist on the forum I gave my opinion on certain matters - sure enough they came out of the woodwork like roaches - the sparks started flying and life came back to the forum - what happened is just what I thought would happen when you are dealing with the far left - if they don't like what you say they attack you and try to shut you down - the mod can't handle the heat so he shuts it down - a thread that had over 1700 views and one that would have got a lot more if it continued -some people are so thin skinned that if you look at them the wrong way they get offended - wimps - so there is the reason why I came back - see we Americans are different from Canadians in this one respect - we have a tendency to say what on our minds - we tell like it is - Canadians are somewhat hesitant to speak out for fear of offending anyone and if someone does they can't handle it - I think the political correctness thing has a good hold up there -if you call some guy a bum you got this hate crime commission to deal with - we have more freedom down here - we have the right to call a guy a bum without getting hassled - so now you know why I came back - am going to hang around - I don't know - I rather quit when get booted off - you have to admit it though - we did get things stirred up - meanwhile all is doing great on the southern front - our Commander In Chief is making America Great Again and we are looking forward to a great future with him in charge -

  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fishermccann View Post
    No offence. Just wondering.. When you left us before, you said you were done with this forum, my question is, ' why did you come back"? Please answer honestly.
    It's my question as well!

  5. #14
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    [QUOTE=JoePa;1087774]That's a good question - why did I come back -



    Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.

  6. #15
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    JP when you attack , wimps, gays, feminists, liberals, and atheists, do you think that they should-would not fight back? If you are intolerant, ( 'not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from ones own') , of any of those groups just because of who they are, you are a bigot. Being a bigot is nothing to be proud of , although you seem to be.
    Last edited by fishermccann; July 16th, 2019 at 08:14 AM.

  7. #16
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    wimps - gays - feminist - liberals - yup I'd be considered 2-3 out of those 4, depending on the day. I'm also a hunter, a fisherman, a bird dog trainer, and a lot of other things. This forum used to be great because it was more Canadian, and didn't have all of the religion and politics nonsense that the other more American forums tend to get bogged down with. I don't come here much anymore because its mostly this kind of nonsense that I see, but occasionally there are good discussions. I don't know your post history, but you don't seem much liked here, and based on what you've said in this thread alone, I don't like you either. But hey, its great that we can all speak our minds, right!

  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by PGidley View Post
    wimps - gays - feminist - liberals - yup I'd be considered 2-3 out of those 4, depending on the day. I'm also a hunter, a fisherman, a bird dog trainer, and a lot of other things. This forum used to be great because it was more Canadian, and didn't have all of the religion and politics nonsense that the other more American forums tend to get bogged down with. I don't come here much anymore because its mostly this kind of nonsense that I see, but occasionally there are good discussions. I don't know your post history, but you don't seem much liked here, and based on what you've said in this thread alone, I don't like you either. But hey, its great that we can all speak our minds, right!
    Don't bother looking back at his posts, it will just hurt your brain and keep you from having a good evening.

    How about that local sports team? How is the weather out there? Any other topics we can bring up that will keep thing civil?

    Nice fish in the pic BTW, I miss getting up north to fish, maybe when the little one gets a bit older and becomes less of a terror in a long car ride.

  9. #18
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    Thanks man, those are both Lake Erie fish actually! That walleye would be a record up here, but just a good side of average on Erie. I should have got it mounted, it was stone dead by the time I landed it. Its funny that since I moved north 8 or so years ago, I miss the fishing in Southern Ontario, especially trolling on Erie and Ontario. Superior has some nice brookies and lakers, but salmon fishing on Ontario is something totally unique.

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by PGidley View Post
    Thanks man, those are both Lake Erie fish actually! That walleye would be a record up here, but just a good side of average on Erie. I should have got it mounted, it was stone dead by the time I landed it. Its funny that since I moved north 8 or so years ago, I miss the fishing in Southern Ontario, especially trolling on Erie and Ontario. Superior has some nice brookies and lakers, but salmon fishing on Ontario is something totally unique.
    Growing up we would go visit my grandparents near Kapuskasing, some of the lakes grandpa would take me to you had to bring your line in to eat your lunch and would get blisters on your hand from bringing in all the fish. No joke, 100+ fish a day, mostly pike but walleye and perch thrown in. I have always dreamed of fishing Nipegon and grandpa always talked about flying to the Moose river where it opened at James Bay, he never did finish the plane though. His PB walleye is on my wall now, weighed 14lbs, caught in a NE Ontario river, so they are out there.

  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TroutSlayer View Post
    Put me down as a yes vote buddy!

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