September 30th, 2019, 03:13 PM
Sad they feel that way
I am just back from a visit to the Near Northern Ontario where I visited with friends that used to be my neighbors. The subject of politics came up and I was sad to hear that none of my friends are going to vote. (never have and never will) was what they were saying. They are good friends so I did not want to cause hard feelings and let it go without too much argument. I came back to the city upset that, on one hand, they think they are getting the dirty end of the stick from the Gov. and on the other hand, They don't seem interested in exercising their right to vote for change. Frustrating to say the least and these are people that like to enjoy the out doors.
It's not the mountain ahead that wears you out, it's the grain of sand in yer shoe.
September 30th, 2019 03:13 PM
September 30th, 2019, 03:36 PM
Unfortunately, they are not the only ones that feel that way and do not, or could care less about voting.
I do not know why and just can't figure it out why any one would feel this way ???
September 30th, 2019, 04:07 PM
I have friends that feel that way,too. Their main comment is "We live in an NDP riding,so,my Conservative vote won't matter". Of course,we know that's not accurate because we never know how others intend to vote. Their vote may tip the election in favor of their candidate.
September 30th, 2019, 05:40 PM
Or you can look at it this way: They aren't interested in politics or a partys' policys so they won't make matters worse by voting for a dead beat candidate or party. I'd much prefer that a person be knowledgeable and end up voting for the party that best suits their needs because they believe in them, not just voting because its the responsible thing to do. Its like urging high school kids to vote. Of course they're looking at someone younger, someone who looks after their best interests like legalizing pot or maybe a guy who just has great hair.
September 30th, 2019, 05:51 PM
It’s very discouraging living in the North for that very reason. I lived here all my life and still don’t understand why northern voters keep voting NDP at both levels. Sucks, but it won’t stop me from voting.
Last edited by Deer Hunter; September 30th, 2019 at 05:56 PM.
"Only dead fish go with the flow."
Proud Member: CCFR, CSSA, OFAH, NFA.
October 1st, 2019, 05:24 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Quite simply - this is exactly what the government wants..lack of empathy, feeling of despair, my vote don't count, they are all the same. I have heard it thousands of times.
You see, this is done to ensure that those who care, give up and only those that stand to gain show up at the polls to continue Blue/Red dominance in politics. This is what our Democracy has become - disenfranchised voters. 50% of population does not vote.
Now, I don't care you vote for, but, please get out and vote. If we don't then we are bound to ruled by fools, who take from you more and more.
Look at each platform - make an informed choice - then go vote.
Mark Snow - Veteran
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
October 1st, 2019, 06:23 AM
[/QUOTE] Of course they're looking at someone younger, someone who looks after their best interests like legalizing pot or maybe a guy who just has great hair.[/QUOTE]
Guess pretty boy with the fancy hair is no longer needed . His way in was the legalization of the cannabis, now that its legal he is no longer needed. Wierd how things work like that ,tough place to be in .
Sent from my SM-G960W using Tapatalk
October 1st, 2019, 08:30 AM
Of course they're looking at someone younger, someone who looks after their best interests like legalizing pot or maybe a guy who just has great hair.[/QUOTE]
Guess pretty boy with the fancy hair is no longer needed . His way in was the legalization of the cannabis, now that its legal he is no longer needed. Wierd how things work like that ,tough place to be in .
Sent from my SM-G960W using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
Yeah,my heart bleeds for the moron. That goes to show the power of single-issue voters.