October 23rd, 2019, 02:20 PM
I'm gonna message Trump on Twitter and see if he will buy Alberta and Sask, Then I'll move LOL
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"If guns cause crime, all of mine are defective."
-Ted Nugent
October 23rd, 2019 02:20 PM
October 23rd, 2019, 06:39 PM
Trudeau also changed the game this year to allow votes from over seas... and immigrants that showed they had a Canada address and I'd??? This for sure got alot of red votes . Up to 300 thousand canadians were able to over seas this year for the first time last I heard there was 32 thousand votes that was the last number I heard. Guess where most of those votes would of to ??? Any guesses lol.
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October 23rd, 2019, 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by
Who is he going to use to enforce it?
There are enough police to kick in my door, but not enough to kick in all the doors they would need to. Also using the Military or Police presents a problem, because not all members of either force would see the order as a lawful one.
During the FLQ Crisis there was a small Terrorist group, which is very different then whole Populations of Provinces.
Members of the Military and Police would desert leaving holes not just in the ranks, but all up and down the chain of command.
Playing for the red team here:
Moving troops and Equipment through Northern Ontario creates a bottle neck which can be slammed shut by the loss of a few bridges.
Trudope declaring Martial law and trying to control Separatists groups and areas by force would be very bad. The Damage to him, his party, and Canada both Domestic and in Foreign circles would be a total disaster.
If he tried to use the military against Separatists, you can be very sure that aid to "The Rebels " would come north from the states pretty quick. The last thing the US would want is an unstable and warring country stretching the length of it's Northern Border. Who would assist the Liberals?
Only two Country have the resources, but they do lack in Maritime assets. The first Chinese or Russian boot that touches Canadian soil would likey trigger the complete Annexation of Canada by the US.
Quite the imagination you’ve got there Snow 😁
“You have enemies ? Good. It means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life”: Winston Churchill
October 23rd, 2019, 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by
Quite the imagination you’ve got there Snow 😁
Where do you see Imagination.
Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.
October 23rd, 2019, 10:34 PM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
Who is he going to use to enforce it?
There are enough police to kick in my door, but not enough to kick in all the doors they would need to. Also using the Military or Police presents a problem, because not all members of either force would see the order as a lawful one.
During the FLQ Crisis there was a small Terrorist group, which is very different then whole Populations of Provinces.
Members of the Military and Police would desert leaving holes not just in the ranks, but all up and down the chain of command.
Playing for the red team here:
Moving troops and Equipment through Northern Ontario creates a bottle neck which can be slammed shut by the loss of a few bridges.
Trudope declaring Martial law and trying to control Separatists groups and areas by force would be very bad. The Damage to him, his party, and Canada both Domestic and in Foreign circles would be a total disaster.
If he tried to use the military against Separatists, you can be very sure that aid to "The Rebels " would come north from the states pretty quick. The last thing the US would want is an unstable and warring country stretching the length of it's Northern Border. Who would assist the Liberals?
Only two Country have the resources, but they do lack in Maritime assets. The first Chinese or Russian boot that touches Canadian soil would likey trigger the complete Annexation of Canada by the US.
Yes, true but Trudeau rounded up many that had nothing to do with the FLQ, given the Trudeau's actions any terrorist attack could be used as provocation based on the small scale of the acts and the governments reactions...
Atleast significant portions might be taken or "protected" by the US, but like Crimean and Georgia and the Ukraine Canada is outside the region of influence by Russia, .. but there has been some Russians in the America's so .... not impossible.
China has the manpower but is too busy creeping it's territory in the China sea and acquiring Philippine and other countries territory so they aren't likely to push past their creeping invasion that far..... in the role of Private Security Companies or Consultants possibly though in Canada ....we know the on Lib MP has participated in anti-democractic Hong Kong protests... not impossible but it would depend on if they saw the chance to keep some of what they "helped" I think.
I would say Trudeau could call on Cuba, their military has been providing mercenaries for probably 40+ years in Angola and Central and South America and tens of thousands of deaths (and is significantly larger than Canada's) .... more possible, UN and the Arab states.... NATO states is a bigger possibility ... France, Turkey.... yeah they might back up the current gov't.
The Canadian commanders seeing those groups coming (even if gov't sanctioned) are likely to ????? maybe request US aid?... imagine a National Guard crossing the border to protect pipelines or citizens... backed up or possibly followed by a division or two of regulars if their influence isn't enough.
Armed revolts aren't unheard of in Canada but the elephant in the closet is the US... side with separatists?... side with the gov't in power?... a couple divisions would make small work of either side that was picked... Apaches and Strykers and throw in a few Predator drones would be a quick decider for sure, it would all depend on public opinion, peaceful protest being squashed etc.... I mean Canada electing PM black faced silly socks is getting some US play time and not in a good way.
By the next election (IF it is in 4 years) we may see a very different Canada (s), my bet is no confidence vote by April, NDP will push hard for its agenda and if that crashes they will likely see a chance to steal more seats so may bring the gov't down. Depends on how hard they push for their agenda... I am betting arrogant clueless juggernaut going THEIR forward... cliff or no cliff!
A Right to Arms

Originally Posted by
Where do you see Imagination.
I see it, a closed mind see's no possibilities other than what it wants,seems like you've thought about it more than PM black faced silly socks has given his "mandate" speech. When we see some arrests of TheRebel and other media and political Wexit and Qexit (?) fans... time to buy bottled water and canned good, stock up on meds and .......................
Last edited by mosquito; October 23rd, 2019 at 10:43 PM.
October 24th, 2019, 05:54 AM
Mosquito you are thinking that China or Russia ( States too)would use it's Military.
Except for maybe a couple Advisers from the Executive branch and Military, the US would support the west with materials. Most the Oil produced is already going to the States, so not much will change there. What will change is that there will no longer be Royalties and taxes being paid to Ottawa. With about 2.2 BILLION less in just Royalties alone, Trudupe's Government is going to be hard pressed to pay it's bill. Then there also the money from taxes.
So since they are VERY short of cash, China and Russia would "love" to invest in Developing Canada's Natural resources. Like the coal in NS, Uranium in Elliott Lake, and maybe buy controling shares in a few Companies..
They need money, they will basically sell their birthright for a few crumb of bread.
The west would have lots of money, no transfer payments, no royalties, no taxes sent to Ottawa. They already produce the grains and meat that China buys, and the Oil and Gas that the US buys. With the extra cash laying around, and with COMMUNISTS Governments buying up and taking over everything East and south of the Western Republic and Canadian Border. I put the question to you. Who do you think the States would see as their BIGGEST Military Arms customer?
Oh as for Nato, and the UN. NATO's charter prohibits it's members from sending it's troops to another members Country to interfere in civil matter.
As for the UN any resolutions would be automatically VETOED by China, Russia, and US.
Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.
October 24th, 2019, 09:05 AM
Just over half of the 68% of Canadians that voted ,did not get the party they wanted in power, and so now your talking about a civil war. What a crock. I am old enough to remember, 'let those eastern bastards freeze in the dark', enough said.
Last edited by fishermccann; October 24th, 2019 at 09:32 AM.
October 24th, 2019, 09:08 AM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
Mosquito you are thinking that China or Russia ( States too)would use it's Military.
Except for maybe a couple Advisers from the Executive branch and Military, the US would support the west with materials. Most the Oil produced is already going to the States, so not much will change there. What will change is that there will no longer be Royalties and taxes being paid to Ottawa. With about 2.2 BILLION less in just Royalties alone, Trudupe's Government is going to be hard pressed to pay it's bill. Then there also the money from taxes.
So since they are VERY short of cash, China and Russia would "love" to invest in Developing Canada's Natural resources. Like the coal in NS, Uranium in Elliott Lake, and maybe buy controling shares in a few Companies..
They need money, they will basically sell their birthright for a few crumb of bread.
The west would have lots of money, no transfer payments, no royalties, no taxes sent to Ottawa. They already produce the grains and meat that China buys, and the Oil and Gas that the US buys. With the extra cash laying around, and with COMMUNISTS Governments buying up and taking over everything East and south of the Western Republic and Canadian Border. I put the question to you. Who do you think the States would see as their BIGGEST Military Arms customer?
Oh as for Nato, and the UN. NATO's charter prohibits it's members from sending it's troops to another members Country to interfere in civil matter.
As for the UN any resolutions would be automatically VETOED by China, Russia, and US.
True, the financial and technical take over is already rolling along from China with people happily buying tech from Huawai and our gov't (while the rest of the world rates them as a security risk) ignores the reality and uses their tech in 5G wireless and people happily by Lenovo computers (atleast 3 times I know of they had built in viruses new out of the box). I woundn't have been too surprised China if submitted a plane for the CF-18 replacement application, guess they didn't want to release too much info. or wrong hemisphere???
The thread headed down the martial law direction so that's where I was thinking first. Alot of Canada's military is based in the west and I was basing my thinking that they would side with their families and the people of the west. I mean even in the Chinese dictatorship massacre in Tianamin Square there were units that didn't move as ordered... and who knows what happened to those commanders. I had just watched the video (history above) by Jon Robson and got thinking the extreme case.
The financial would be the first step of course but I don't think Trudeau and his family fortune has even the slightest clue or care on the implications of running those numbers up and up .... well we will see where it goes. The west has a long nurtured discontent and has spent billions to keep Quebec happy (the reason a Quebec separation is less likely) and has truly been cheated over and over, just look at the population and number of seats they get too compared to other areas of Canada. The elitist globalists like Justlied Trudeau only care about power and their privileges and they seem to have a complete disregard for the people and often it seems even intelligent thought sometimes... but to not think about reality and possibilities is the road of the left.
1) Trudeau "missed" Alberta in list of provinces at Canada 150 event.
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8igrMJ9L4po
Last edited by mosquito; October 24th, 2019 at 09:18 AM.
Reason: Reminder
October 24th, 2019, 09:53 AM
Canadians are way too nice to start a civil war. We'd be using sling shots and then say sorry when we actually hit someone.
That's why government is able to get away with so much crap. We can't stand up to anything. We just "live with it" and go on our Caribbean vacation every year, heck, now we can even smoke pot to make it all go away.
There won't be any civil war ... and there won't be any Russian or Chinese boots hitting our turf. Not a chance.
All there will be is newspaper articles and blogs like this, which is worth as much as the toilet paper I just flushed down the toilet.
My only hope now is that there's enough resistance from the other parties so that nothing changes over the next 4 years ... no new taxes, no stupid policy changes.
I also hope the Conservatives find a way to get into power ... they need to find a passionate leader that is willing to let go of the rhetoric responses, and also find ways
to weaken the liberal base. I don't have the answers, but by the next election, they have to figure this out. Oh, and they absolutely need to fix the electoral system ... redefine
the ridings ... Toronto cannot be allowed to speak for all of Canada. The ridings have to be renormalized to current population distribution ... and also have a system where
the provinces can have more of a fair say ... like the electoral college practiced in the US.
October 24th, 2019, 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by
Just over half of the 68% of Canadians that voted ,did not get the party they wanted in power, and so now your talking about a civil war. What a crock. I am old enough to remember, 'let those eastern bastards freeze in the dark', enough said.
The idea of the west leaving and Northern Ontario separating from Ontario are not new ideas.