October 22nd, 2019, 04:46 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Election Results
So far...
Pop vote: 33.05%
Elected: 156
Lead: 1
Pop vote: 34.41%
Elected: 121
Lead: 0
Bloc Quebec
Pop vote: 7.7%
Elected: 32
Lead: 0
Pop vote: 15.91%
Elected: 23
Lead: 1
Pop vote: 6.5%
Elected: 3
Lead: 0
Pop vote: 0.8%
Elected: 1
Lead: 0
Pop vote: 1.64%
Elected: 0
Lead: 0
Liberal Party of Canada 110 33.1% 5,911,879
Conservative Party of Canada 79 34.4% 6,153,521
New Democratic Party 17 15.9% 2,846,207
Bloc Québécois 14 7.7% 1,377,137
PPC 0 1.6% 292,808
and 2015 for comparison
about 1,000,000 less voted Lib and about 1/2 those voted Conservative as compared to last time and Bloc took the other 1/2.
Last edited by mosquito; October 22nd, 2019 at 05:08 AM.
October 22nd, 2019 04:46 AM
October 22nd, 2019, 05:00 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Well JWR got to keep her seat.... which is good I think even with her being so far in leftie land.
200,000+ more voted Conservatives than Libs, guess Justin is glad he lied about election reform.
Seems channelling National Socialist methods worked ... https://twitter.com/_patrioticdad/st...031872?lang=en for McKenna
Bill Blair lied his way to power again.....
So we will see an NDP and Lib coalition likely .... Bloc unlikely.... the 250,000 firearms ... gone, pipeline projects ... gone, tax relief .... gone, balanced budgets/accountability/RCMP investigations.... GONE!
Tax increases - coming, immigration increases - coming, deficits - coming.... and likely a complete fubar of Canada.... seems to be coming too.
The PPC turnout wasn't huge but I am expecting to see when the numbers are crunched they cost the Conservatives many seats. (probably 10 is my GUESS)
Probably a Western Separatist party of some kind and definitely rising sentiment that way once Justlied Trudeau makes sure Saudi oil is safe and the west ignored or punished in some way ... beside the looming fast killing carbon tax.
Haven't read it yet, no time now ... https://torontosun.com/opinion/colum...divided-canada
With the increase in the Bloc... I wouldn't be surprised to see a surge in separatism there too... even as they leach billions in support from the rest of Canada.
Last edited by mosquito; October 22nd, 2019 at 05:17 AM.
Reason: P.S.
October 22nd, 2019, 06:18 AM
Pretty well played out like the polls were predicting. Cons are terrible campaigners. Trudough got a pretty large minority so likely won’t be taken down unless he infuriates Quebec. They’re easy to placate, just keep sending them money. What will be interesting is if seperation gets some more traction out West?
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.
October 22nd, 2019, 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by
Pretty well played out like the polls were predicting. Cons are terrible campaigners. Trudough got a pretty large minority so likely won’t be taken down unless he infuriates Quebec. They’re easy to placate, just keep sending them money. What will be interesting is if seperation gets some more traction out West?
Right now I am having a dream about Quebec, and everything West and North of North Bay leaving.
The West can survive very well without Ontario, Ontario is a FOURTH or FIFTH World Country on it's own.
Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.
October 22nd, 2019, 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by
Right now I am having a dream about Quebec, and everything West and North of North Bay leaving.
The West can survive very well without Ontario, Ontario is a FOURTH or FIFTH World Country on it's own.
Yeah. Problem is Alberta is landlocked and held hostage by its neighbors. Not that simple. They would have to join the USA. Never gonna happen. This election confirms Canadians will support liars, ethically bankrupt governments and don’t care about debt. It’s a democracy and they won. Every man for himself from this day on.
F the government. Do whatever you can get away with and pay cash.
I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.
October 22nd, 2019, 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by
Yeah. Problem is Alberta is landlocked and held hostage by its neighbors. Not that simple. They would have to join the USA. Never gonna happen. This election confirms Canadians will support liars, ethically bankrupt governments and don’t care about debt. It’s a democracy and they won. Every man for himself from this day on.
F the government. Do whatever you can get away with and pay cash.
Any place in BC North of Hope BC has been feeling very Alienated by the Federal, and Provincial Governments for Decades. Northern Quebec is in a similar state of mind.
If the Oil and Gas Provinces leave, they can set their own Regulations and Canada will have to pay full market price for Natural Gas, and it's oil. If Ottawa don't like it, they can just sit and spin..I am sure you remember that phrase.
It may surprise you to know that many people in AB, SK, MB feel they have more in common with the States then with Ontario and Quebec.
The amount of Freight that is unloaded in western ports that has to pass thru AB, SK, and MB would make your head spin. The Freight can be unloaded in Western US ports and shipped thru the US, but this will greatly increase the costs. The increase costs come from longer distances, Custom Taxes and Duty, and Brokerage service fees to import into US, and then all the tax, duty and Brokerage fees to import it into Canada.
Just look at every thing that is made in China.
Take the warning labels off. Darwin will solve the problem.
October 22nd, 2019, 09:44 AM
The village idiot showed his arrogance once again by speaking over Scheer’s speech.....this country is so screwed !!!!
October 22nd, 2019, 10:07 AM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
The village idiot showed his arrogance once again by speaking over Scheer’s speech.....this country is so screwed !!!!
Yep... and partnered with the NDP..... think Venezuela
And as expected #WExit is number 1 on twitter today...
I wonder what the immigration requirements will be?
Hmmm.... wonder why the west would hate the east....
decades of taking money from them ... or just how the Quebec elite compare themselves to the rest of Canada... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8igrMJ9L4po
Last edited by mosquito; October 22nd, 2019 at 02:13 PM.
Reason: P.S.
October 22nd, 2019, 12:45 PM
What a disaster. I don't know which is worse ... a Liberal Majority or a Liberal Minority propped by the NDP.
These are the things that make me wonder if there isn't a better way:
- Toronto seems to decide which party will govern federally. I am from the GTA. Just too many ridings in downtown Toronto ... whether the Liberals or Conservatives win ... this just doesn't seem to be fair to those out West.
- I think Sheer could have done a better job. He simply talks from the script, and I don't see the same passion as other party leaders. People want to see passion and authenticity, we're all tire of the "script".
- Max made a BIG mistake ... yes he has his own views, but he shouldn't have jumped ship, he should have garnered support from his party. He has nothing now. PPC is dead, and BQ took advantage ... cost Conservatives ...
- Biggest surprise was NDP didn't do as well as I thought ... especially after the recent rally in Jagmeet's popularity.
- It says a lot when Canadians are okay keeping a government in power that has met so few of it's commitments, and is charged with corruption. I'm a bit disappointed that Canadians were so easily fooled.
October 22nd, 2019, 01:02 PM
We’ve been over the dynamics many times. What matters are seats. Nothing else. Do the liberals or NDP gives two craps about 2 seats in Alta they may or may not win. Or lose if they sacrifice them? Singh will care only about BC, ONT and QUE
Call a spade a spade. This is Ontario’s fault. Specifically the 416/905. No one else’s.
And we’ve seen this before. Between 2008 and 2016. When manufacturing went in the tank, when rural Ontario was getting crushed. When green idiocy just made it so much worse. And when by rights any sane person would have, should have booted an admin that had racked up a bunch of abuses, lies, brainfarts....Did the 416/905 think about anyone but themselves?
Ontario re-elected the Liberals in 78 of our 121 federal seats.....
And now, despite winning the popular vote. All those people in the west. Two entire provinces. Have no voice.
Their votes, rendered utterly meaningless!
The west already hated the East. And that includes us....
They will even more now.
And I for one hope they tear this country apart
Last edited by LoR; October 22nd, 2019 at 01:05 PM.