September 7th, 2020, 01:20 PM
Almost ready for winter & hunting
So I had 3 new windows installed in the Spring and two more being installed in the late fall, I installed a new patio door last weekend.
My new heat pump system is suppose to be installed at the end of the month.
I manage to cut 15 face cords so far this summer so I have 30 out back and 10 by the carport in the wood shed (Wood pile can't fall over now
). I also managed to cut another cord yesterday. Going to try and cut another 10 and sell 5.
Bought my wife 4 almost new used winter tires for the Kia on rims balanced for 150.00 today.
Picked up a second smaller freezer for 95 bucks just down the road only 5 cubic feet just in case my son and I get a deer. Pluse the other freezer is full and cannot fit any vegetable in it.
Cleaned the chimney for the wood stove in the house last week and cleaned the chimney in the workshop today.
Pretty much all I have left is clean the shop and clean the barn, bring down the snow blower and test it and test the generator.
Oh and still need to build our tree stands soon.
Hopefully this week I will go out put some apples out for the deer and put up the trail cameras.
So pretty much ready for hunting season. In fact I will be up at Bissett Creek camping Sept 18 which is when grouse and rabbit season opens and duck season I think is open as well.
"This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member
September 7th, 2020 01:20 PM
September 7th, 2020, 01:31 PM
Looks like you are all set. Good luck hunting!
September 7th, 2020, 01:54 PM
Nice always great to get the chores done.
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September 7th, 2020, 02:01 PM
I swore I was going to get the firewood split before Labour day GW...but like the past few years, I haven't even started yet. Way to hot and humid to do firewood this summer. At least the logs are dry and only needs to be blocked and split.
Congrats on being a good hard the working 'Ant' .....once again I'm like the 'Grasshopper', danced and played away the summer HaHa.
September 7th, 2020, 02:36 PM
I have 25 face split already but another 15 still to be split but probably only 12 of that actually needs splitting. But I do hope to cut another 10 before deer season. I'm cutting on the farm that my boy works at. I cut one face a few days ago but that stuff was on the ground, each of the large dead trees are about 1+ face so I need to do is cut 10 trees. If I can get 10 more I will sell 5 off.
Just these days I am so lazy. I paid someone to install the windows but did the door myself.
Oh and the bike is running just have to put the plastic back on it and find a place to store it. Have to move a few things in the workshop first.
Going to pay the neighbours kid to vac up all the cob webs in the shop as well.
This winter I plan to rebuild a Honda genny 2200 that I found. It has spark but no carb, tank or air filter. I bought a carb for 15 bucks from Amazon I'll hook it up and see if I can get it running if it runs I'll buy the tank and air filter system, not sure what I need it for as I already have one but a spare is always good or I could sell it.

Originally Posted by
I swore I was going to get the firewood split before Labour day GW...but like the past few years, I haven't even started yet. Way to hot and humid to do firewood this summer. At least the logs are dry and only needs to be blocked and split.
Congrats on being a good hard the working 'Ant' .....once again I'm like the 'Grasshopper', danced and played away the summer HaHa.
"This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member
September 7th, 2020, 03:52 PM
I have more wood put up then I’ll normally do 5 cord cut and stacked between trees in bush yet. Started using crates few years ago. 
4 crates I have 8 In total there about a month a crate move one into carport empty it take out bush refill then set dry crate in carport but I have skidsteer. And lazy back other wood shed holds 5 bushcord+
September 7th, 2020, 04:09 PM
Nice. I still have a 15 year old kid at home he loads the truck and unloads it.
"This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member
September 7th, 2020, 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by
I have more wood put up then I’ll normally do 5 cord cut and stacked between trees in bush yet. Started using crates few years ago.
4 crates I have 8 In total there about a month a crate move one into carport empty it take out bush refill then set dry crate in carport but I have skidsteer. And lazy back other wood shed holds 5 bushcord+
My kind of piling.
"Only dead fish go with the flow."
Proud Member: CCFR, CSSA, OFAH, NFA.
September 7th, 2020, 06:36 PM
Yep. Can't fall over that way. I envy you guys with all the ash you have down your way. All we have around here is white birch and poplar and birch of any size is really hard to come by.
September 7th, 2020, 08:03 PM
Yes Ash, elm, maple and beech. But sure wish I could get a bunch of Iron wood. Had 1 cord once several years ago and burned extremely hot.

Originally Posted by
Yep. Can't fall over that way. I envy you guys with all the ash you have down your way. All we have around here is white birch and poplar and birch of any size is really hard to come by.
"This is about unenforceable registration of weapons that violates the rights of people to own firearms."—Premier Ralph Klein (Alberta)Calgary Herald, 1998 October 9 (November 1, 1942 – March 29, 2013) OFAH Member