June 19th, 2015, 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by
Perhaps not that dangerous when considering violent crime but terribly dangerous when considering what it does to your brain. Did you not know that most of Toronto votes liberal?
Haha, you mean most of ON by numbers if you include the NDP, including the north and most of Canada... Lol.
I know you lads think you're special, and you are in your own way, lol, but that is part of the process of being delusional and out of touch with reality... But as long as you believe it, it must be true
Live free or die...
-New Hampshire State
June 19th, 2015 08:19 AM
June 19th, 2015, 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by
WOW!! Anti Americanism much?
It has nothing to do with Anti-American, it was an observation by Johny. Lots of people in the US see major problems with the mindset of the people right now.
Even the NRA says that guns don't kill people, people kill people. Well at this point in time the people are messed up, something is wrong in their wiring and everyone having a handgun will not solve the problem of someone with this wiring issue.
Why does Johny or anyone else have to have a solution? Joe stated that the problem is easily solved with guns and Johny disagreed and stated that guns would do nothing and may make it worse, no need for him to solve the problem.
June 19th, 2015, 08:32 AM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
An answer? All I see is a wide brush critique on JoePa's simplistic solution yet none are offered up in return.
They could maybe start by having "a" gun control, things like a gun license and maybe have some restriction because unfortunately not everybody should or can own a gun. I mean they need a license to drive a car but none to use a killing tool.
Last edited by seabast; June 19th, 2015 at 08:34 AM.
June 19th, 2015, 08:44 AM

Originally Posted by
They could maybe start by having "a" gun control, things like a gun license and maybe have some restriction because unfortunately not everybody should or can own a gun. I mean they need a license to drive a car but none to use a killing tool.
This particular guy was arrested in April for drug charges and trespassing and last month for his birthday was given a 45 Auto. I read this, not sure how accurate yet, but it seems to me like criminal charges should make you question giving your child a gun.
I think it is an ideology issue but this will all come out in the wash during a trial.
John Stewart spoke about this as a terrorist activity, not just a shooting.
June 19th, 2015, 08:49 AM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
They could maybe start by having "a" gun control, things like a gun license and maybe have some restriction because unfortunately not everybody should or can own a gun. I mean they need a license to drive a car but none to use a killing tool.
And I do understand that criminals are not going to apply for a license but it seems like it's way too easy to get a gun.
June 19th, 2015, 08:57 AM
Yes - I admit that I live in a violent society - just look at the movies, the TV, the video games - almost all are filled with violence - so what do you do - put your head in the sand and pretend that violence doesn't exist - or do you recognize the fact and do something about it - you are watching the downfall of a great nation because our soul has changed - we no longer have the morals and the character that was the norm in years gone by - look at our schools - God was thrown out and replaced with metal detectors and security guards - the kids are taught that they are an accident of nature and will not have to account to a Creator for their actions - the list goes on and the result is what is happening -
The U.S. is not the country that I once knew - I hardly have anything in common with it - It is no longer the country that I loved and respected - the far left liberals have ruined it - who do you blame - I say it is the stupid people who vote politicians into office that give them freebies and there are more and more of these people as time goes on - our debt is 18 trillion dollars and nobody cares - life goes on like there is no end and spending keeps going up - the only solution I see is an awakening and the return to a God fearing society where love, truth, morals, old fashioned family values are again evident - but you and I know this isn't going to happen - so in the meantime I live here and do the best I can - and protect myself with whatever means possible -
Finally look at the people we have in Washington today - scandal after scandal - lies after lies - a bunch of crooks that you can't believe - and yet the people put them in office twice - try to figure that out - look at our foreign policy - you swear that a bunch of school children are running the show - so yes things don't look too good - I was drafted during the Korean war and served there but I'll tell you something if I were a young man today and got a draft notice I wouldn't serve - not after these politicians screwed everything up - so in the meantime - see you on the water -
June 19th, 2015, 09:21 AM
Just a couple of questions,JoePa. Your Second Amendment to the Constitution is just that..an "amendment",so,why can't it be repealed? There's other amendments that were (although,I can't cite one,right off hand). Why is that one any different? How would the Second Amendment stop your Federal government from introducing a national firearms licensing system the same as ours? Although,some have fallen through the cracks of our system,by and large,it works well. Why is there such stiff political opposition to licensing? Absolute failure of keeping firearms out of the hands of those that should never have access to them seems to be at the root of all these mass shootings. What is the main stopping point?
June 19th, 2015, 09:21 AM
Jon Stewart responded the best anyone has.
http://<iframe src="https://embed.th...lt;/iframe>
I know it's not a flavor that most here enjoy the taste of. But, meh, truth is truth.
June 19th, 2015, 09:47 AM
T21 - It would take 3/4 of the states to make any changes to our Constitution - this is very difficult thing to do especially when your dealing with the gun issue and a government few can trust - one of the reasons the 2nd amendment was put into the Constitution was to provide citizens with a means to resist the government if ever needed - all you have to do is look at countries like Nazi Germany and Communist Russia where the guns were taken away from the citizens and they could do nothing to stop the take over of their countries by a bunch of evil men -
Once you have all guns registered then it only takes a law to confiscate these guns and the people don't have any - sure you may think that is not anything to worry about but remember things can change very quickly when the wrong people take over the government - another thing to remember there have been mass shooting in other countries that have very strict gun laws it doesn't only happen here - then we all know that criminals won't give up their guns - another thing the vast number of mass shooting that have happened occurred in so called gun free zones where the nutcase knows that there will be no one there to resist him -
Look at this latest case - according to the news the nut had a 45 and reloaded it to keep on firing - if someone had a gun in that church the nutcase could have been stopped right away -
The first amendment gives up the right of free speech - the second gives us a means to protect that right -
Then remember we are mostly talking about handguns - rifles and shotguns can be used to kill also so to stop mass shooting you would really have to keep these firearms away from people who shouldn't have them - impossible - there is no way to completely stop such mass shooting by deranged people as you Canadians well know -
June 19th, 2015, 10:28 AM
Has too much time on their hands

Originally Posted by
Just a couple of questions,JoePa. Your Second Amendment to the Constitution is just that..an "amendment",so,why can't it be repealed? There's other amendments that were (although,I can't cite one,right off hand). Why is that one any different? How would the Second Amendment stop your Federal government from introducing a national firearms licensing system the same as ours? Although,some have fallen through the cracks of our system,by and large,it works well. Why is there such stiff political opposition to licensing? Absolute failure of keeping firearms out of the hands of those that should never have access to them seems to be at the root of all these mass shootings. What is the main stopping point?
Funny how you are now offering advice to JoePa with this screwed up society in the U.S and in earlier threads sided with him . Actually both of you know how bad it is and yet you both stuck your head in the sand until now. What a pair !lol