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Thread: How to buy labour peace in Ontario

  1. #1
    Borderline Spammer

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    Default How to buy labour peace in Ontario

    Surprised? Shouldn't be. SOP for this government to be cutting backroom deals with the people that really run this province.

    "The million-dollar payout is highly unusual: The government agreed to compensate the union for the cost of negotiations because problems with the province’s new bargaining system caused talks to drag on for so long."


  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Trust me. This isn't the "only" secret payment made so far. Just one they got caught on. And really she couldn't care less if caught. How many scandals do they need to be caught on? The PANAM scam will never really be exposed as she has wingclipped the audit process. Kathleen Wynne gives us the finger everyday, every time she does anything. PS unions now run the Province.
    Last edited by terrym; October 21st, 2015 at 09:37 AM.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  4. #3
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    In addition, the government financed raises for teachers by diverting money from a fund for special programs that help struggling students graduate
    Um how does that help the kids? Isnt that what they claimed? Talk about robbing the poor to feed themselves.

    So where are those who have long defended Unions, teachers or this administration.

    Do also note the curious and suspect timing of this. One day after the election, an election where it's obvious the two (JT and Wynne) (and the Unions) are in bed with each other.

    1) What have many people, Ms Wynne et al yelled long about Harpers 'secrecy"? Yet another secret deal, withheld...well atleast this time until after the election

    2)Didn't JT campaing on Change?

    Yep he/they are off to a roaring start

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBen View Post
    Um how does that help the kids? Isnt that what they claimed? Talk about robbing the poor to feed themselves.

    So where are those who have long defended Unions, teachers or this administration.

    Do also note the curious and suspect timing of this. One day after the election, an election where it's obvious the two (JT and Wynne) (and the Unions) are in bed with each other.

    1) What have many people, Ms Wynne et al yelled long about Harpers 'secrecy"? Yet another secret deal, withheld...well atleast this time until after the election

    2)Didn't JT campaing on Change?

    Yep he/they are off to a roaring start
    What does this back room deal possibly have anything to do with the Federal election ?????? This is totally on Wynne !!!

  6. #5
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    Yes its on Wynne (and the Unions and teacher) and as a good friend on my wall said this is beyond disgusting. However.

    From this article, new "revelation"
    relationship with OSSTF, in part because teachers are key members of the party’s political base and in part because no labour dispute draws more attention than those involving schools. The timing allowed the party to clear the dispute off its plate ahead of the federal election, in which Premier Kathleen Wynne campaigned hard for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau
    From a very good National Post article yesterday
    which was also a key aspect of his alliance with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, who supported him intensely
    From the same NP article
    Not all public servants live in Ottawa, and not all Ottawans are public servants, but it is a government town, and voters there all but obliterated the Conservative Party, even taking Ottawa Centre from Paul Dewar, the prominent NDP foreign affairs critic. after apush against the Tories, there is a sense the old Liberal dominance of the civil service is set to return
    There's somuch more that might be added, however hopefully just a brief point will do.

    For a young man who sold people on "change", doing things differently, being more open, more transparent, more honest, more inclusive of everyone. Funny that he/they are in bed with, without question the most inept, corrupt admin/supporters and pandering admin, bar none in Canadian history.

    And while some might prefer to suspend reality and think otherwise, or argue otherwise is like arguing Harper didn't know about $90,000.

    And if still not "convinced". The simple fact this is being made public 1 day after the election........
    Last edited by JBen; October 21st, 2015 at 12:24 PM.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBen View Post
    Yes its on Wynne (and the Unions and teacher) and as a good friend on my wall said this is beyond disgusting. However.

    From this article, new "revelation"

    From a very good National Post article yesterday

    From the same NP article

    There's somuch more that might be added, however hopefully just a brief point will do.

    For a young man who sold people on "change", doing things differently, being more open, more transparent, more honest, more inclusive of everyone. Funny that he/they are in bed with, without question the most inept, corrupt admin/supporters and pandering admin, bar none in Canadian history.

    And while some might prefer to suspend reality and think otherwise, or argue otherwise is like arguing Harper didn't know about $90,000.
    So I guess the answer to my question is "nothing".... The union payout by Wynne had nothing to do with the Federal election.

  8. #7
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    Of coarse not Rick.
    As I just added.

    I suppose the fact it's being made public 1 day after the election..

    Maybe I'm wording it poorly, not sure. You seem to be hung up who signed the papers, yet oblivious to the fact he was more than happy to crawl into bed with her/them
    Last edited by JBen; October 21st, 2015 at 12:30 PM.

  9. #8
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    "crawling into bed with her "....thanks a lot, that's one vision I didn't need !!!! Lol

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    Unions have figured out they have power, look at the federal election where you had the media unions registered to run ads. It will be interesting to see where thRebel goes with it, they already started some coverage (what you won't see on CBC, integrity there is long gone!).

    A doctor I know said there is also supposed to be a doctors protest today at Queens Park so it looks like "interesting times" (Chinese curse).
    We need an all out revolt in this Province !!!!

  11. #10
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    Maybe Im wording it poorly, wouldn't be the first time. Im not suggesting he was part of the deal with teachers, but rather the fact he is more than happy to overlook, broker who knows with her for her and the Union support (see also PSAC in Ottawa) etc, etc, etc.

    Is the typical hippcricy and more from them. If a Liberal does it it's ok. Any politican with an ounce of integrity or who was being honest about "change" would have run very far away from Ms Wynne, not hopped in the sack with her. Also outrageously funny in the final days they attacked Harper for being at an event with Rob Ford....who is out of politics unlike.....

    Back to this deal.
    I'd love, just love 1 teacher to defend, or whatever...Forget the 1 million palm grease which alone is brutal. Diverting money from a fund designed to help struggling kids.....for their own pockets?
    Last edited by JBen; October 21st, 2015 at 12:42 PM.

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