October 21st, 2015, 07:38 PM
one last "point" on these/this.
Anywhere else in the world these are called kick backs and are illegal. Not a bad gig eh, since the early years our wonderful Liberals have been paying the Unions millions, to do what their Unions Dues are supposed to do.
These same Unions then take those kick backs and spend the same
Campaigning for them, putting up signs, pounding pavement, taking out Ads against Hudak, Harper and for Ms Wynne and JT.
Our tax dollars.
The next time a Teacher sends a kid home with a list of supplies parents are to provide. Blow your nose in the tissue and write that down on it and tell them to stuff it.
No wonder it was kept secret until today and no wonder they are so against having to open their books.
October 21st, 2015 07:38 PM
October 21st, 2015, 08:10 PM
There are some seriously delusional people on this site!!
October 21st, 2015, 08:47 PM
Next time a kid is hunger send them to the breakfast club at school, where much of the food is donated by the same people that serve it.... Teachers.....
"Everything is easy when you know how"
"Meat is not grown in stores"
October 21st, 2015, 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by
There are some seriously delusional people on this site!!
You're right!!!!!!!!!! Guess who???????
October 21st, 2015, 09:53 PM
Next time a kid goes to school hungry, ask the parent why they are having a hard time finding the $$ in the first place? My guess is they don't earn the mean (unlike those teachers) and Maybe because they are taxed to the teeth and getting pummelled by exploding Hydro.........those very same teachers are largely responsible for the mess?
Strong rebuttal Harold and Fatri to facts.
Unions collect dues for such things first of all.
Turns out they have been getting what amounts to kick backs. Our tax dollars which are for US not THEM and certainly not to help fund their war chest. And oddly enough always seem to have millions to spend on..... what exactly? Ah yes campaigning and elections, pounding their chest and airwaves against anyone they don't like or for those who have been quite nice to them.
Maybe perhaps if instead of taking kickbacks, or offering them.
Thered be $$ for tissues, or
Let's see
Say 20million divided by 100,000 (rough approx after benefit cost)
How many more teachers?
Enough for smaller class sizes?
Don't let facts and logic get in the way. And by the way, heres a tissue <<<thats wink
Last edited by JBen; October 21st, 2015 at 10:04 PM.
October 21st, 2015, 10:40 PM
Sometimes the best argument is won by walking away....
"Everything is easy when you know how"
"Meat is not grown in stores"
October 22nd, 2015, 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by
2 days in G
He's in bed with most corrupt and inept govt ever. That is litterally killing working stiffs. See Hydro and taxes lately? More on these payoffs came out over dinner.
He's been caught telling energy corps how to lobby them.
Lol, ok
You can say that because YOU believe it, nothing has been proven, so it is only your opinion. Please don't tell me it is because of the contract the OPP received, that wont wash, the entire force did not vote Liberal, many of them would be looking diligently to pin something on her, or are you saying all OPP in this province are corrupt. ALL political parties have favorite lobbyists, they only want to talk to you if you won and are in power, why try to talk to the opposition. ALL political parties would be more sympathetic to lobbyists who are 'friends'. Big business supports and is more friendly to the cons. , unions to the libs. That is how our system has ended up. We are still rated as one of the best places to live , in the world. As an aside, I see many, many, over one hundred thousand dollar cars in TO , and I bet very, very, few of them are driven by union members. Being in a union does not mean you are not an average joe.
October 22nd, 2015, 04:22 AM
And Harper didn't know about Duffy right G? Are really that naive?
Unions (PS ones) and private business, there are rather large differences. Not really surprised you can't see them. Then again your just a march to the Union drums no matter what kind of guy.
Heres just a couple obvious ones.
~They are employees. Name me one private business whose employees when like spoiled children they throw a tantrum, hold children hostage, use them as pawns.
~No-one forces you shop, do business with X. Try that with your taxes and you go to jail.
~Money busnisess bring in, are for their shareholders. People who don't have to buy shares, invest in it.
~Name me one business, just one who ran ads and campaigned for say Harper, or ran campaigned against JT.
~Busineses incur substantial risk, as do their employees. When things go south...
There more but I suspect........
Mean duo income Canada is 70-75K, single average is 50k, most without pensions
Not the average Joe, or do you not understand what the word "mean" is, or unless gross salary is around 50k as a single person, or as a family 70k and no pension.
for example Gord, everyone I'm sure would side with COs. They are down trodden right, not one of the favoured ones? Well we learned this year a starting CO pays around 1200-1500week (do the math). And would have great benefits, of the kind most average Joes can only dream about and pretty recession proof (relatively secure job, rare cut backs to wages, if ever)
Get some perspective Gord, its obviously lacking. I wonder why
Ever hear the expression "walk a mile". You should some day....
Last edited by JBen; October 22nd, 2015 at 05:21 AM.
October 22nd, 2015, 04:55 AM
And sometimes Fatri its because you know these kick backs are wrong, know Unions spend millions in advertising, blah blah.And maybe Fatri its because everyone knows these Unions have had large roles in getting them elected time and again?
Maybe you don't know the chief elections officer is growing gravely concerned?
Maybe you dont know many more are looking at them (3rd party spending) as well?
Maybe the next time rather than make silly comments......at least have something?
Yeah Fatri most know there are teachers who go the extra mile.
Apparently you don't know what life is like for people who earn around the mean or less and who are getting pummelled by Taxes, Fees, Hydro, have debt like everyone else and can't save.
If you did, you might have paused long enough to wonder why many can't afford lunches all the time, or clothes for their kids...have or show some concern for them, rather than just "yourself"?
How many single moms are there out there, maybe with dead beat dads who don't pay support and earn around 40-50k ( I personally know 3)...And not ONE of them has a pension to boot.
How many kids today have parents who have lost jobs (hundreds of thousands) are still looking....Or have Average Joe parents who's mom/dad while they found a job, took one that pays a lot less...And with exploding Hydro, taxes...Obviously you didn't spare 5 seconds to think about "those" parents and why some kids go to school hungry
Meanwhile those Unions....
And just for you Gord. One ex girlfriend, two university degree's, currently employed on Bay street.
She earns close to 70,000. No support, No Pension, has a child in high school, has a mortgage. Buys her clothes and more at Walmart trying to make ends meet these days. Her job is on thin ice (TD announce lay offs this week) though she's not with TD. Walk a mile in her shoes Gord.
Last edited by JBen; October 22nd, 2015 at 05:48 AM.
October 22nd, 2015, 05:35 AM
One last "thought" on this for the 3 of you.
Perhaps you haven't noticed the growing public anger towards Teachers. Was a time when they were actually respected...
Me, when I see friends saying things that are without basis, I argue, point out their vitriol is misdirected. Its the Unions not the Teachers or other Unions (when not teachers) members.
I daresay theres more public dislike, lack of respect for PS Unions these days, than "wall street bankers".
Funny that...no-one to blame but "yourselves". At one time the professions were respected. Why do you think that is?