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Thread: How to buy labour peace in Ontario

  1. #71
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    I'm very glad I'm not teaching now. Not being able to do extra curricular, not being able to meet with parents , no mid term report cards would have kept me awake all night. The union was a great help to me during a very difficult situation , but would be embarrassing for me to see them keep asking for more and more money.

    ( Yes I know what you think Mr. Ben )
    " We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett

  2. # ADS

  3. #72
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    Well Dan.
    For starters Healthcare is something we pay a lot of taxes for. Want some horror stories? Real ones?
    Lets start with 14 months and 2 botched biopsies before my tumour was diagnosed? Then four more months waiting and waiting and waiting with a ticking time bomb in my head. I know regular poster here that went through something similar. My co-worker who was misdiagnosed as being terminal and given 2 years? Only to pay around 20,000 fly to the US and get properly diagnosed?
    Lyme desease?
    People dieing waiting for….
    800,000 without GPs
    Where to stop on this one,
    Like seriously.

    Perhaps if they were at all competent, weren't so corrupt and or hadn't lavished their bedfellows so much (those who have been richly rewarded over the years) perhaps……. Im not sure why that subtle nuance is lost on you.

    Can it be accidental that ministries without powerful Unions, be they COs, lowly janitors, Doctors (who aren't unionized) and others are the ones paying prices?

    Perhaps if teachers weren't so greedy, weren't so self important and hadn't been a large player in getting this govt elected time and time and time again.

    Others wouldn't be paying steep prices. Be they
    and finally the lowly tax payer.

    Don't forget that prior to 2010…teachers were lavishly rewarded in the first place, which led to the infamous "hold the line" uttered by good old Dalton. And the very least the writing has been on the wall for years. But see also Drummond

    Remind us all who your Union has worked so hard to elect?

    No-one to blame but yourselves. Now in my real world Ive tried to teach my children to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. Seems like that simple life lesson hasn't been taught to teachers or their Unions anyways.

    Not sure why some don't get that.
    So the next time EAs get stiffed because there no money
    or Nurses get laid off because there no money
    Or Drs flee to the US because theres no money
    Someone waits months for a pacemaker
    Someone dies on a gurney because there are bed and nurse shortages because theres no money
    or taxes go up……How many now?
    How many more to come?

    Thanks "Dan"
    Last edited by JBen; October 27th, 2015 at 05:09 PM.

  4. #73
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    Im just curious.
    And some things there is no sugar coating.
    Prior to 2010 the love Dalton heaped on some is quite well documented.
    By 2010 the writing was on the wall what with the scandals just until then (E-Health, ORNG, stupid amounts of waste and stupid spending) and the recession was in full force.

    They had to hire Drummond to tell them what most knew.

    Enter 2011 and blowing smoke up people back sides, war drums and more campaigning by the same Unions, "hold the line" on spending….and then bang, on the eve of the election everyone thought they were going to lose, especially because the oh so hard off teachers were up in arms and he was losing some support….… 1.1billion to save 5 seats in the GTA

    How many threads here predicting PS wouldn't like it when the rooster came home to roost?
    And obviously still…..

    Credit downgrades and threats of more to come.
    Sluggish economy (very little spent on Johnny Q)
    More BS and fear mongering from PS Unions (Hudak is going to blow up hospitals)
    More scandals, more waste, little being done about jobs
    Rural Ontario decimated by job losses (manufacturing and more) and peons taking Hydro on the chin
    More love for Teacher Unions (500mm worth) and 8.5% for the Opp
    More Unions banging drums

    So fine you made your bed and crawled into bed with them yet again.
    Deal with it, stop asking everyone else to. They can't afford you and certainly don't have it quite so nice. See all the sympathy campaigns for teachers, EAs, Nurses, Drs.
    What you don't think the lowly tax payer hasn't been hit hard enough.

    No-one to blame but this admin which is so obviously inept and corrupt
    Those who campaigned hard for them spent millions despite so much, warnings from Credit agencies, the likes of Drummond and more…Those who accepted all the vote buying (GTA and Unions)

    As for this latest, the kick backs.
    Proof is in the pudding.

    Meanwhile Healthcare is hemorrhaging, Nurses are getting reamed, Drs nd well pretty much everyone.
    Last edited by JBen; October 27th, 2015 at 05:57 PM.

  5. #74
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Globe's reason for spiking story damning to Wynne, Trudeau a "bold faced lie"

    The first scandal involves the Wynne government's secret payments to teacher's unions and the secondary scandal involved the Globe & Mail's decision to hold off publishing the story until after the election.

    Ontario's version of ADSCAM?
    Last edited by mosquito; October 27th, 2015 at 09:46 PM.

  6. #75
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    Well there can be no mistaking the timing. It was deliberate for reasons.

    Blame the Unions.
    Not teachers (thuogh they do elect their unions and more). Not nurses or Drs or poor Johnny Q they all seem to forget about, and whom they must all think have endless amounts of $.

    And this admin.

    There are soooooooo many problems, areas that could use $ or a cup of coffee. Writing was on the wall back in 2010.

    I can't imagine what it's like for a family around the middle. By definition who combined earn what most single teachers earn for 3/4 of a year.

    With Hydro exploding, taxes, can't save (no wonder) and no pensions. Sluggish economy, many still getting laid off or stressing about it, while are other pretty safe counting the days to freedom 55. Busting their backsides so some don't have to.
    Last edited by JBen; October 27th, 2015 at 09:33 PM.

  7. #76
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharon View Post
    I'm very glad I'm not teaching now. Not being able to do extra curricular, not being able to meet with parents , no mid term report cards would have kept me awake all night. The union was a great help to me during a very difficult situation , but would be embarrassing for me to see them keep asking for more and more money.

    ( Yes I know what you think Mr. Ben )
    Couldn't agree with you more Sharon. I coached the whole year in 2000 when the union said we shouldn't but they wouldn't stop us from coaching. I really liked teaching but I lived for coaching and the outdoors club I supervised. It's not fair that the union goes after extracurriculars right off the bat rather than a strike action.

    JBen I can't think as fast as you type! I have horror stories about the the health system too. Not as life-threatening as your experience I'll acknowledge.

    I'm not trying to cop out but think about this. How successful has the ANY government been in dealing with the large unions (teacher's included)? Not very , right? So as a teacher I do have a vote in these unions and they are somewhat democratic but at the end of the day the Union has it's own momentum. Teacher's do ask questions and often disagree with the Union but it falls on deaf ears usually.

    BTW your comments are becoming more and more personal so this is my last post on this thread.

    Take a breath JBen! It's not worth stroking over.

  8. #77
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    Lol, not stroking Dan. A more accurate term might be incredulous that people could in any way "defend" the goings on.
    And when you come back with a sarcastic, non sensical reply such as

    So Wynne has cut the budget for nurses, doctors, MNR, etc. JB you want cuts you're getting cuts. What's the problem?
    What kind of reply do you expect? You reap what you sow. Not unlike your Unions.
    You might note the following replies, replied in kind and for the record, answered. "Whats the problem?"

    Lots of them..See Ontario

    Not the least of which, is its your Unions that have had a very large hand in creating the mess (see prior to 2010) and see who spends millions and more.... And now you (they) don't like it.

    Deal with it.

    This and these problems that are heaping a lot of pain on everyone (least of all Public Service ) are what you (they) wanted.

    Don't cry now as they do, and you might recall every strike, every job action heaps even more burdens on parents and kids, especially those who are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet, you know people who have it nowhere near as good as you nor with the same kind of security? thanks to your Unions and their decisions to campaign hard for this.....

    Is that so hard to understand?

    Tell me Dan whats more important
    2% raises and kickbacks
    Or 800,000 without GPs for starters?
    Last edited by JBen; October 28th, 2015 at 08:38 AM.

  9. #78
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    And the one good question
    How much success has any govts had wth them? Not much. That's always been a problem that has led to bending to them. Caving.
    So that right there suggest Unions are placed before the public more often then not. Last I checked there's more than just them...

    And since Bob Rae it's gotten worse. And their political involvement in the democratic process (see campaigning, attack ads, contributions) is getting worse, witness this past Federal election.

    And now what is virtually inarguable blatant corruption (kick backs). And who is paying for it?

    Hence the beef with Unions.

  10. #79
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    Sooner or later,this whole "Liberal" thing is going to come completely off the rails. It MUST. It's a rule of economics that applies to ALL things where finance is involved. There WILL be one hell of a reckoning. It's just a matter of time and it won't be long,now.........

  11. #80
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    Sooner or later,this whole "Liberal" thing is going to come completely off the rails. It MUST. It's a rule of economics that applies to ALL things where finance is involved. There WILL be one hell of a reckoning. It's just a matter of time and it won't be long,now.........
    So true !

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